Fits an inc2prev
model to recover incidence
from prevalence data using a probility of detection curve.
Observed positiviy prevalence data
Observed antibody prevalence data
Observed vaccination data
Observed initial antibody data
Time-varying probability of detection
A list of arguments to pass to i2p_data()
A stan model object as produced by i2p_model()
or a similar compiled stan model.
Column of a common name in the data frames passed as data that should be treated as indicator of multiple data sets that should be used jointly for estimation
A vector of variables to summarise and return
A vector of quantiles to return in summarising
The number of samples to return
Whether to retain the stan fit object
A progressr
function used when fitting multiple models
to track progress
Additional arguments passed to fit_fn
A data.table including summarised estimates and parameter samples.
Other incidence: