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[Questioning] Allows users to plot the output from estimate_infections easily. In future releases it may be depreciated in favour of increasing the functionality of the S3 plot methods.


  ylab = "Cases",
  obs_as_col = TRUE,
  max_plot = 10,
  estimate_type = NULL



A data.table of estimates containing the following variables: date, type (must contain "estimate", "estimate based on partial data" and optionally "forecast").


A data.table of reported cases with the following variables: date, confirm.


Character string, defaulting to "Cases". Title for the plot y axis.


Numeric, if supplied gives the horizontal intercept for a indicator line.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should observed data, if supplied, be plotted using columns or as points (linked using a line).


Numeric, defaults to 10. A multiplicative upper bound on the\ number of cases shown on the plot. Based on the maximum number of reported cases.


Character vector indicating the type of data to plot. Default to all types with supported options being: "Estimate", "Estimate based on partial data", and "Forecast".


A ggplot2 object


# \donttest{
# define example cases
cases <- example_confirmed[1:40]

# set up example delays
generation_time <- get_generation_time(
 disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "ganyani"
incubation_period <- get_incubation_period(
 disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "lauer"
reporting_delay <- estimate_delay(rlnorm(100, log(6), 1), max_value = 10)
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.

# run model
out <- estimate_infections(cases,
  generation_time = generation_time_opts(generation_time),
  delays = delay_opts(incubation_period + reporting_delay)
#> Warning: There were 10 divergent transitions after warmup. See
#> to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
# plot infections
  estimate = out$summarised[variable == "infections"],
  reported = cases,
  ylab = "Cases", max_plot = 2
) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~type, scales = "free_y")

# plot reported cases estimated via Rt
  estimate = out$summarised[variable == "reported_cases"],
  reported = cases,
  ylab = "Cases"

# plot Rt estimates
  estimate = out$summarised[variable == "R"],
  ylab = "Effective Reproduction No.",
  hline = 1

#' # plot Rt estimates without forecasts
  estimate = out$summarised[variable == "R"],
  ylab = "Effective Reproduction No.",
  hline = 1, estimate_type = "Estimate"

# }