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[Maturing] Used to produce summary output either internally in regional_epinow or externally.


  regional_output = NULL,
  results_dir = NULL,
  summary_dir = NULL,
  target_date = NULL,
  region_scale = "Region",
  all_regions = TRUE,
  return_output = FALSE,
  plot = TRUE,
  max_plot = 10,



A list of output as produced by regional_epinow and stored in the regional list.


A data frame of confirmed cases (confirm) by date (date), and region (region).


An optional character string indicating the location of the results directory to extract results from.


A character string giving the directory in which to store summary of results.


A character string giving the target date for which to extract results (in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"). Defaults to latest available estimates.


A character string indicating the name to give the regions being summarised.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should summary plots for all regions be returned rather than just regions of interest.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should output be returned, this automatically updates to TRUE if no directory for saving is specified.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should regional summary plots be produced.


Numeric, defaults to 10. A multiplicative upper bound on the\ number of cases shown on the plot. Based on the maximum number of reported cases.


Additional arguments passed to report_plots.


A list of summary measures and plots

See also



# \donttest{
# example delays
generation_time <- get_generation_time(
 disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "ganyani"
incubation_period <- get_incubation_period(
 disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "lauer"
reporting_delay <- estimate_delay(rlnorm(100, log(6), 1), max_value = 30)
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.

# example case vector from EpiSoon
cases <- example_confirmed[1:30]
cases <- data.table::rbindlist(list(
  data.table::copy(cases)[, region := "testland"],
  cases[, region := "realland"]

# run basic nowcasting pipeline
out <- regional_epinow(
  reported_cases = cases,
  generation_time = generation_time_opts(generation_time),
  delays = delay_opts(incubation_period + reporting_delay),
  output = "region",
  rt = NULL
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:11] Producing following optional outputs: regions
#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the EpiNow2 logger
#> Writing EpiNow2 logs to the console and: /tmp/RtmpH53zkW/regional-epinow/2020-03-22.log
#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the EpiNow2.epinow logger
#> Writing EpiNow2.epinow logs to: /tmp/RtmpH53zkW/epinow/2020-03-22.log
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:11] Reporting estimates using data up to: 2020-03-22
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:11] No target directory specified so returning output
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:11] Producing estimates for: testland, realland
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:11] Regions excluded: none
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:25] Completed estimates for: testland
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:41] Completed estimates for: realland
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:41] Completed regional estimates
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:41] Regions with estimates: 2
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:41] Regions with runtime errors: 0
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:41] No target directory specified so returning timings

  regional_output = out$regional,
  reported_cases = cases
#> INFO [2023-09-26 16:08:41] No summary directory specified so returning summary output
#> $latest_date
#> [1] "2020-03-22"
#> $results
#> $results$estimates
#> $results$estimates$summarised
#>        region       date                 variable strat     type       median
#>   1: testland 2020-02-22                        R  <NA> estimate    1.7147429
#>   2: testland 2020-02-23                        R  <NA> estimate    1.7310053
#>   3: testland 2020-02-24                        R  <NA> estimate    1.6240258
#>   4: testland 2020-02-25                        R  <NA> estimate    1.6285029
#>   5: testland 2020-02-26                        R  <NA> estimate    1.5682007
#>  ---                                                                         
#> 422: realland 2020-03-26           reported_cases  <NA> forecast 1107.5000000
#> 423: realland 2020-03-27           reported_cases  <NA> forecast 1256.5000000
#> 424: realland 2020-03-28           reported_cases  <NA> forecast 1101.0000000
#> 425: realland 2020-03-29           reported_cases  <NA> forecast 1244.0000000
#> 426: realland       <NA> reporting_overdispersion  <NA>     <NA>    0.8096661
#>              mean           sd    lower_90    lower_50   lower_20     upper_20
#>   1:    1.7245497 1.196592e-01   1.5495735   1.6470019   1.690455    1.7418062
#>   2:    1.7393635 1.173238e-01   1.5678749   1.6635142   1.706809    1.7567130
#>   3:    1.6320314 1.092045e-01   1.4735103   1.5615379   1.601101    1.6476549
#>   4:    1.6343665 1.034627e-01   1.4810787   1.5675213   1.604814    1.6503125
#>   5:    1.5734779 9.646081e-02   1.4320509   1.5106362   1.545274    1.5878998
#>  ---                                                                          
#> 422: 1716.6750000 1.902262e+03 102.9500000 498.0000000 843.000000 1457.8000000
#> 423: 1973.6790000 2.096796e+03  97.8500000 539.0000000 932.600000 1682.2000000
#> 424: 1722.4890000 1.895179e+03  99.8000000 477.7500000 825.800000 1474.6000000
#> 425: 1898.2515000 2.022643e+03 106.9000000 546.5000000 963.000000 1659.0000000
#> 426:    0.8709724 3.618674e-01   0.3976072   0.6097767   0.730065    0.8974375
#>         upper_50    upper_90
#>   1:    1.786356    1.928958
#>   2:    1.801276    1.939129
#>   3:    1.690130    1.824005
#>   4:    1.689537    1.816406
#>   5:    1.626956    1.743139
#>  ---                        
#> 422: 2233.000000 5316.200000
#> 423: 2662.250000 6204.500000
#> 424: 2304.500000 5302.550000
#> 425: 2463.750000 6091.700000
#> 426:    1.074113    1.537369
#> $summarised_results
#> $summarised_results$table
#>      Region New confirmed cases by infection date
#> 1: realland                   1143 (1060 -- 1277)
#> 2: testland                   1142 (1065 -- 1287)
#>    Expected change in daily cases Effective reproduction no.
#> 1:                     Decreasing        0.79 (0.75 -- 0.84)
#> 2:                     Decreasing         0.8 (0.74 -- 0.84)
#>              Rate of growth Doubling/halving time (days)
#> 1: -0.047 (-0.056 -- -0.04)             -15 (-17 -- -12)
#> 2: -0.046 (-0.056 -- -0.04)             -15 (-17 -- -12)
#> $summarised_results$data
#>      region            estimate  median    mean     sd lower_90 lower_50
#> 1: realland 1143 (1060 -- 1277) 1143.00 1154.00 68.000  1060.00  1124.00
#> 2: testland 1142 (1065 -- 1287) 1142.00 1156.00 76.000  1065.00  1125.00
#> 3: testland  0.8 (0.74 -- 0.84)    0.80    0.80  0.030     0.74     0.78
#> 4: realland 0.79 (0.75 -- 0.84)    0.79    0.79  0.029     0.75     0.78
#>    lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90                                metric
#> 1:  1138.00   1152.0  1177.00  1277.00 New confirmed cases by infection date
#> 2:  1138.00   1151.0  1176.00  1287.00 New confirmed cases by infection date
#> 3:     0.79      0.8     0.81     0.84            Effective reproduction no.
#> 4:     0.79      0.8     0.81     0.84            Effective reproduction no.
#>    Expected change in daily cases prob_control
#> 1:                     Decreasing            1
#> 2:                     Decreasing            1
#> 3:                     Decreasing            1
#> 4:                     Decreasing            1
#> $summarised_results$regions_by_inc
#> [1] "realland" "testland"
#> $summary_plot

#> $summarised_measures
#> $summarised_measures$rt
#>       region       date strat                           type    median
#>  1: realland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate 1.7197107
#>  2: realland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate 1.7346862
#>  3: realland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate 1.6272136
#>  4: realland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate 1.6310429
#>  5: realland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate 1.5697385
#>  6: realland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate 1.5409441
#>  7: realland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate 1.5425465
#>  8: realland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate 1.5456320
#>  9: realland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate 1.5279052
#> 10: realland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate 1.3060227
#> 11: realland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate 1.1575705
#> 12: realland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate 1.0812899
#> 13: realland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate 0.9973976
#> 14: realland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate 0.9287066
#> 15: realland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate 0.8803822
#> 16: realland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate 0.8178520
#> 17: realland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8896857
#> 18: realland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8659154
#> 19: realland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8468010
#> 20: realland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8324072
#> 21: realland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8213627
#> 22: realland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8132288
#> 23: realland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8081611
#> 24: realland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8049249
#> 25: realland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8017415
#> 26: realland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7993248
#> 27: realland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7981856
#> 28: realland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7968135
#> 29: realland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7964032
#> 30: realland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7947365
#> 31: realland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast 0.7946219
#> 32: realland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast 0.7943545
#> 33: realland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast 0.7936359
#> 34: realland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast 0.7934417
#> 35: realland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast 0.7947391
#> 36: realland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast 0.7951600
#> 37: realland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast 0.7956642
#> 38: testland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate 1.7147429
#> 39: testland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate 1.7310053
#> 40: testland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate 1.6240258
#> 41: testland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate 1.6285029
#> 42: testland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate 1.5682007
#> 43: testland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate 1.5395330
#> 44: testland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate 1.5400546
#> 45: testland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate 1.5429743
#> 46: testland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate 1.5252243
#> 47: testland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate 1.3024611
#> 48: testland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate 1.1565422
#> 49: testland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate 1.0805704
#> 50: testland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate 0.9972795
#> 51: testland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate 0.9288910
#> 52: testland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate 0.8801649
#> 53: testland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate 0.8178085
#> 54: testland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8906514
#> 55: testland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8663872
#> 56: testland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8471865
#> 57: testland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8328953
#> 58: testland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8220120
#> 59: testland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8139539
#> 60: testland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8088776
#> 61: testland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8056314
#> 62: testland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8028717
#> 63: testland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.8006768
#> 64: testland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7995274
#> 65: testland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7977083
#> 66: testland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7970709
#> 67: testland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data 0.7951755
#> 68: testland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast 0.7948765
#> 69: testland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast 0.7948007
#> 70: testland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast 0.7943913
#> 71: testland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast 0.7943493
#> 72: testland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast 0.7952521
#> 73: testland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast 0.7947032
#> 74: testland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast 0.7947445
#>       region       date strat                           type    median
#>          mean         sd  lower_90  lower_50  lower_20  upper_20  upper_50
#>  1: 1.7280049 0.11865996 1.5604003 1.6547353 1.6962867 1.7454499 1.7925617
#>  2: 1.7425339 0.11624571 1.5765875 1.6712109 1.7115500 1.7609534 1.8044120
#>  3: 1.6349725 0.10835679 1.4826967 1.5675864 1.6061875 1.6512738 1.6929554
#>  4: 1.6368867 0.10287884 1.4884446 1.5741599 1.6104569 1.6540229 1.6925516
#>  5: 1.5758309 0.09622864 1.4362036 1.5167207 1.5515201 1.5919004 1.6276439
#>  6: 1.5462531 0.09041921 1.4140124 1.4922214 1.5233991 1.5611620 1.5946361
#>  7: 1.5473367 0.08714603 1.4194434 1.4957205 1.5243835 1.5615435 1.5943894
#>  8: 1.5505993 0.08588888 1.4252014 1.4984227 1.5282467 1.5638048 1.5976376
#>  9: 1.5332540 0.08480364 1.4093045 1.4814724 1.5105747 1.5457113 1.5786585
#> 10: 1.3099489 0.07202883 1.2052295 1.2658052 1.2905173 1.3200521 1.3493884
#> 11: 1.1600302 0.05645849 1.0740518 1.1259912 1.1456076 1.1701937 1.1917534
#> 12: 1.0826469 0.04602728 1.0116889 1.0542929 1.0718747 1.0915283 1.1090385
#> 13: 0.9984467 0.03744508 0.9415747 0.9749783 0.9887097 1.0055381 1.0196170
#> 14: 0.9305400 0.03140696 0.8829154 0.9116713 0.9221275 0.9362723 0.9471596
#> 15: 0.8815722 0.02788146 0.8396409 0.8655963 0.8746782 0.8859940 0.8950964
#> 16: 0.8186196 0.02526275 0.7809182 0.8046789 0.8129408 0.8220767 0.8300163
#> 17: 0.8899522 0.02894090 0.8454041 0.8744188 0.8836305 0.8947225 0.9038973
#> 18: 0.8669966 0.02628693 0.8285660 0.8523461 0.8611314 0.8702274 0.8793126
#> 19: 0.8483989 0.02572636 0.8104517 0.8341869 0.8421393 0.8518648 0.8612795
#> 20: 0.8335138 0.02579344 0.7941614 0.8186526 0.8273452 0.8374739 0.8476137
#> 21: 0.8222127 0.02627505 0.7818127 0.8069414 0.8162179 0.8267442 0.8371725
#> 22: 0.8137939 0.02694744 0.7722181 0.7977360 0.8077236 0.8185307 0.8292681
#> 23: 0.8083628 0.02756291 0.7648959 0.7916738 0.8021946 0.8138045 0.8242120
#> 24: 0.8045700 0.02791076 0.7616174 0.7877967 0.7984455 0.8101759 0.8205653
#> 25: 0.8015389 0.02816487 0.7582579 0.7846305 0.7957501 0.8073494 0.8179734
#> 26: 0.7992028 0.02834346 0.7552003 0.7824035 0.7934478 0.8056145 0.8156390
#> 27: 0.7976756 0.02844957 0.7525102 0.7804171 0.7919734 0.8043474 0.8145634
#> 28: 0.7962195 0.02855220 0.7504343 0.7788955 0.7903450 0.8032351 0.8133668
#> 29: 0.7955449 0.02872325 0.7492947 0.7785685 0.7896069 0.8022348 0.8129410
#> 30: 0.7943671 0.02889915 0.7469139 0.7777849 0.7883693 0.8011198 0.8117526
#> 31: 0.7941467 0.02918807 0.7457501 0.7773486 0.7878730 0.8009392 0.8118347
#> 32: 0.7941441 0.02922723 0.7447469 0.7770904 0.7878663 0.8008560 0.8118973
#> 33: 0.7939374 0.02920371 0.7452740 0.7774546 0.7877812 0.8004581 0.8113906
#> 34: 0.7936817 0.02912392 0.7454994 0.7771049 0.7876445 0.8001603 0.8114946
#> 35: 0.7944603 0.02904422 0.7462887 0.7776155 0.7889105 0.8008766 0.8123416
#> 36: 0.7944472 0.02889573 0.7456629 0.7777313 0.7888681 0.8010763 0.8115925
#> 37: 0.7948368 0.02876075 0.7467142 0.7780210 0.7895176 0.8014574 0.8119871
#> 38: 1.7245497 0.11965916 1.5495735 1.6470019 1.6904554 1.7418062 1.7863558
#> 39: 1.7393635 0.11732379 1.5678749 1.6635142 1.7068090 1.7567130 1.8012760
#> 40: 1.6320314 0.10920451 1.4735103 1.5615379 1.6011012 1.6476549 1.6901298
#> 41: 1.6343665 0.10346271 1.4810787 1.5675213 1.6048145 1.6503125 1.6895366
#> 42: 1.5734779 0.09646081 1.4320509 1.5106362 1.5452739 1.5878998 1.6269560
#> 43: 1.5441680 0.09042182 1.4113919 1.4851779 1.5177858 1.5584500 1.5930653
#> 44: 1.5453992 0.08698625 1.4179064 1.4880369 1.5201339 1.5584372 1.5921707
#> 45: 1.5486438 0.08557459 1.4246365 1.4917818 1.5229939 1.5605228 1.5938355
#> 46: 1.5312575 0.08444806 1.4083493 1.4752926 1.5059339 1.5423684 1.5750470
#> 47: 1.3082647 0.07182532 1.2046486 1.2602241 1.2870172 1.3178899 1.3450904
#> 48: 1.1592656 0.05672890 1.0742574 1.1227564 1.1435592 1.1684458 1.1887241
#> 49: 1.0825968 0.04675879 1.0100542 1.0533177 1.0704014 1.0904916 1.1071569
#> 50: 0.9987799 0.03859646 0.9408482 0.9756798 0.9884776 1.0054203 1.0180425
#> 51: 0.9311706 0.03279312 0.8862139 0.9121552 0.9230943 0.9350460 0.9470658
#> 52: 0.8824239 0.02921382 0.8428340 0.8663187 0.8753960 0.8852553 0.8948147
#> 53: 0.8195657 0.02635507 0.7823847 0.8064126 0.8138207 0.8222201 0.8304535
#> 54: 0.8911631 0.02984417 0.8447911 0.8756298 0.8850473 0.8956263 0.9042848
#> 55: 0.8679300 0.02709206 0.8269062 0.8539364 0.8617187 0.8708548 0.8791543
#> 56: 0.8492358 0.02630699 0.8105038 0.8354574 0.8428416 0.8522774 0.8614067
#> 57: 0.8343438 0.02630429 0.7941711 0.8202061 0.8280548 0.8379847 0.8473145
#> 58: 0.8230512 0.02682222 0.7820901 0.8085659 0.8169389 0.8273909 0.8370582
#> 59: 0.8146369 0.02753932 0.7723213 0.7994961 0.8087527 0.8194722 0.8295666
#> 60: 0.8092171 0.02819780 0.7649635 0.7936547 0.8034760 0.8145193 0.8252684
#> 61: 0.8054317 0.02860973 0.7601828 0.7894853 0.7998661 0.8118094 0.8218667
#> 62: 0.8023932 0.02894882 0.7575361 0.7860606 0.7972684 0.8089811 0.8192363
#> 63: 0.8000354 0.02923084 0.7537172 0.7837107 0.7945412 0.8068707 0.8177721
#> 64: 0.7984747 0.02944470 0.7501021 0.7822033 0.7928278 0.8055960 0.8165282
#> 65: 0.7969731 0.02963642 0.7463790 0.7800924 0.7913659 0.8041708 0.8152109
#> 66: 0.7962443 0.02986330 0.7462844 0.7790696 0.7904101 0.8034372 0.8147476
#> 67: 0.7950027 0.03005489 0.7439444 0.7776485 0.7889539 0.8021082 0.8140882
#> 68: 0.7947137 0.03033015 0.7420148 0.7772643 0.7886723 0.8015406 0.8142176
#> 69: 0.7946416 0.03034289 0.7417258 0.7772924 0.7884708 0.8013363 0.8141485
#> 70: 0.7943656 0.03030487 0.7443505 0.7769974 0.7883285 0.8012307 0.8138374
#> 71: 0.7940447 0.03024956 0.7445155 0.7769106 0.7874809 0.8009561 0.8133867
#> 72: 0.7947653 0.03025581 0.7456896 0.7777284 0.7882149 0.8011541 0.8135513
#> 73: 0.7946992 0.03025709 0.7456268 0.7773717 0.7882394 0.8013671 0.8130999
#> 74: 0.7950475 0.03032360 0.7460373 0.7774104 0.7881072 0.8019274 0.8133769
#>          mean         sd  lower_90  lower_50  lower_20  upper_20  upper_50
#>      upper_90
#>  1: 1.9236001
#>  2: 1.9348256
#>  3: 1.8149009
#>  4: 1.8074839
#>  5: 1.7350185
#>  6: 1.6944312
#>  7: 1.6905081
#>  8: 1.6910602
#>  9: 1.6727734
#> 10: 1.4258202
#> 11: 1.2499594
#> 12: 1.1578718
#> 13: 1.0593898
#> 14: 0.9827742
#> 15: 0.9292485
#> 16: 0.8620519
#> 17: 0.9384889
#> 18: 0.9110012
#> 19: 0.8904789
#> 20: 0.8748301
#> 21: 0.8649185
#> 22: 0.8572502
#> 23: 0.8531695
#> 24: 0.8502321
#> 25: 0.8467884
#> 26: 0.8443166
#> 27: 0.8415846
#> 28: 0.8410479
#> 29: 0.8407603
#> 30: 0.8395328
#> 31: 0.8400171
#> 32: 0.8401072
#> 33: 0.8398663
#> 34: 0.8393401
#> 35: 0.8398379
#> 36: 0.8398833
#> 37: 0.8388745
#> 38: 1.9289584
#> 39: 1.9391294
#> 40: 1.8240048
#> 41: 1.8164065
#> 42: 1.7431391
#> 43: 1.7058686
#> 44: 1.7006045
#> 45: 1.7010490
#> 46: 1.6816287
#> 47: 1.4364808
#> 48: 1.2590013
#> 49: 1.1604040
#> 50: 1.0617649
#> 51: 0.9873247
#> 52: 0.9322015
#> 53: 0.8652288
#> 54: 0.9409222
#> 55: 0.9130283
#> 56: 0.8921948
#> 57: 0.8754280
#> 58: 0.8645186
#> 59: 0.8583653
#> 60: 0.8526785
#> 61: 0.8493924
#> 62: 0.8459563
#> 63: 0.8444319
#> 64: 0.8443206
#> 65: 0.8431263
#> 66: 0.8440391
#> 67: 0.8428994
#> 68: 0.8431807
#> 69: 0.8410045
#> 70: 0.8410264
#> 71: 0.8411236
#> 72: 0.8418966
#> 73: 0.8427092
#> 74: 0.8434842
#>      upper_90
#> $summarised_measures$growth_rate
#>       region       date strat                           type        median
#>  1: realland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate  0.1257667416
#>  2: realland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate  0.1278821643
#>  3: realland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate  0.1117397313
#>  4: realland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate  0.1121793872
#>  5: realland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate  0.1028060820
#>  6: realland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate  0.0982036531
#>  7: realland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate  0.0982246833
#>  8: realland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate  0.0985958228
#>  9: realland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate  0.0958184852
#> 10: realland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate  0.0587471868
#> 11: realland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate  0.0316091130
#> 12: realland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate  0.0168174523
#> 13: realland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate -0.0005669345
#> 14: realland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate -0.0153773441
#> 15: realland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate -0.0266774506
#> 16: realland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate -0.0416340893
#> 17: realland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0244622389
#> 18: realland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0301579492
#> 19: realland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0346435755
#> 20: realland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0380943676
#> 21: realland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0406577915
#> 22: realland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0425432534
#> 23: realland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0437428745
#> 24: realland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0445127149
#> 25: realland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0451090737
#> 26: realland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0455885201
#> 27: realland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0458618688
#> 28: realland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0461686281
#> 29: realland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0462945402
#> 30: realland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0465364629
#> 31: realland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465693872
#> 32: realland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465806600
#> 33: realland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast -0.0466873477
#> 34: realland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast -0.0467492278
#> 35: realland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465785778
#> 36: realland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast -0.0466265284
#> 37: realland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465203133
#> 38: testland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate  0.1255064402
#> 39: testland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate  0.1276603513
#> 40: testland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate  0.1114438715
#> 41: testland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate  0.1119594367
#> 42: testland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate  0.1024838976
#> 43: testland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate  0.0979140965
#> 44: testland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate  0.0980616402
#> 45: testland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate  0.0984139825
#> 46: testland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate  0.0955428600
#> 47: testland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate  0.0583302527
#> 48: testland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate  0.0314644093
#> 49: testland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate  0.0165769877
#> 50: testland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate -0.0005474693
#> 51: testland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate -0.0154014501
#> 52: testland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate -0.0265448778
#> 53: testland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate -0.0415154915
#> 54: testland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0245601654
#> 55: testland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0302176897
#> 56: testland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0346567313
#> 57: testland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0380821473
#> 58: testland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0406538774
#> 59: testland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0425190072
#> 60: testland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0436460357
#> 61: testland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0443964397
#> 62: testland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0450087171
#> 63: testland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0454262954
#> 64: testland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0457380023
#> 65: testland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0460260720
#> 66: testland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0461705739
#> 67: testland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data -0.0464663278
#> 68: testland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465327438
#> 69: testland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465310662
#> 70: testland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465967746
#> 71: testland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast -0.0466744519
#> 72: testland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465288090
#> 73: testland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast -0.0466075555
#> 74: testland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast -0.0465917211
#>       region       date strat                           type        median
#>              mean          sd     lower_90     lower_50     lower_20
#>  1:  0.1257915796 0.005825119  0.116760587  0.122445668  0.124493451
#>  2:  0.1279967392 0.005433967  0.119535649  0.124963380  0.126746838
#>  3:  0.1119569838 0.006315592  0.102220648  0.108317884  0.110458169
#>  4:  0.1123866326 0.005751424  0.103825849  0.109111256  0.111067715
#>  5:  0.1030204503 0.006017412  0.094162972  0.099617512  0.101544760
#>  6:  0.0984596966 0.005911614  0.089844199  0.095113440  0.097004436
#>  7:  0.0987150015 0.005662821  0.090860043  0.095546547  0.097173886
#>  8:  0.0992679924 0.005593311  0.091757062  0.096214195  0.097648344
#>  9:  0.0965179299 0.005769257  0.089022929  0.093389807  0.094827023
#> 10:  0.0589754280 0.007720473  0.047647354  0.054675575  0.057189796
#> 11:  0.0314351084 0.008313318  0.017841833  0.026861688  0.029949237
#> 12:  0.0163810749 0.008194064  0.002926733  0.011843422  0.014947551
#> 13: -0.0009377540 0.008126376 -0.014497681 -0.005613762 -0.002409506
#> 14: -0.0156363738 0.007844712 -0.028569543 -0.020469765 -0.017196161
#> 15: -0.0266659077 0.007373098 -0.038642433 -0.031209663 -0.028197491
#> 16: -0.0415742451 0.007072582 -0.052759243 -0.046058454 -0.043113381
#> 17: -0.0243573794 0.006153457 -0.033696043 -0.027860845 -0.025760668
#> 18: -0.0296420757 0.005223919 -0.036637645 -0.032263798 -0.030955374
#> 19: -0.0340159972 0.004902274 -0.040701914 -0.036186952 -0.035226533
#> 20: -0.0375669382 0.004753750 -0.044079686 -0.039491041 -0.038587827
#> 21: -0.0402861237 0.004697281 -0.047153494 -0.042077549 -0.041172343
#> 22: -0.0423234479 0.004696966 -0.049339508 -0.044034062 -0.043078497
#> 23: -0.0436415952 0.004719459 -0.051113997 -0.045364775 -0.044295012
#> 24: -0.0445680605 0.004730602 -0.051781479 -0.046279547 -0.045067537
#> 25: -0.0453103211 0.004732070 -0.052906884 -0.047015427 -0.045717876
#> 26: -0.0458834757 0.004728284 -0.053506566 -0.047559630 -0.046163810
#> 27: -0.0462590718 0.004727613 -0.054020304 -0.047978303 -0.046518134
#> 28: -0.0466190779 0.004738855 -0.054479466 -0.048349352 -0.046832325
#> 29: -0.0467845147 0.004774969 -0.055129625 -0.048433422 -0.046950920
#> 30: -0.0470770159 0.004819754 -0.055753129 -0.048766651 -0.047218848
#> 31: -0.0471278399 0.004882257 -0.056083145 -0.048872105 -0.047266281
#> 32: -0.0471299945 0.004911418 -0.056247692 -0.048829341 -0.047214430
#> 33: -0.0471826980 0.004915093 -0.056655487 -0.048889260 -0.047299654
#> 34: -0.0472465954 0.004891036 -0.056426172 -0.048963973 -0.047415127
#> 35: -0.0470497346 0.004851640 -0.055648965 -0.048740567 -0.047248050
#> 36: -0.0470510525 0.004785875 -0.055454696 -0.048794568 -0.047232562
#> 37: -0.0469507592 0.004712214 -0.055277317 -0.048663281 -0.047182471
#> 38:  0.1256846949 0.006105155  0.116560449  0.122249618  0.124279787
#> 39:  0.1279443384 0.005729924  0.119679707  0.124778730  0.126516157
#> 40:  0.1118622275 0.006546213  0.102146734  0.107933528  0.110213489
#> 41:  0.1123630621 0.005997667  0.103561079  0.108960745  0.110813262
#> 42:  0.1029853807 0.006205429  0.093754846  0.099319726  0.101307010
#> 43:  0.0984495976 0.006078974  0.089627940  0.094833619  0.096836209
#> 44:  0.0987327736 0.005827254  0.090716876  0.095342858  0.097083342
#> 45:  0.0992884907 0.005735186  0.091974596  0.095937555  0.097499036
#> 46:  0.0965193774 0.005876547  0.089047037  0.093016156  0.094621068
#> 47:  0.0588596189 0.007711548  0.047503741  0.054275167  0.056862439
#> 48:  0.0313746857 0.008408365  0.018050400  0.026528247  0.029651674
#> 49:  0.0164101624 0.008363930  0.002596746  0.011801815  0.014865393
#> 50: -0.0008759248 0.008321933 -0.014891143 -0.005484841 -0.002534181
#> 51: -0.0155456289 0.008074001 -0.028640461 -0.020144855 -0.017148819
#> 52: -0.0265485841 0.007631262 -0.038525367 -0.031051484 -0.028101138
#> 53: -0.0414578822 0.007351853 -0.052675425 -0.045869000 -0.043043125
#> 54: -0.0241604306 0.006392657 -0.033277936 -0.027542832 -0.025614480
#> 55: -0.0295138002 0.005535256 -0.036629997 -0.032085699 -0.030887212
#> 56: -0.0339188063 0.005208044 -0.040402445 -0.036106133 -0.035195535
#> 57: -0.0374788380 0.005073132 -0.044150407 -0.039353491 -0.038522661
#> 58: -0.0401988776 0.005025619 -0.047047088 -0.041974581 -0.041089831
#> 59: -0.0422354087 0.005018596 -0.049048457 -0.043953396 -0.042972441
#> 60: -0.0435494832 0.005025796 -0.050515491 -0.045256320 -0.044113586
#> 61: -0.0444719398 0.005022858 -0.051992760 -0.046174860 -0.044885701
#> 62: -0.0452131036 0.005011154 -0.053058121 -0.046871055 -0.045541826
#> 63: -0.0457880421 0.004994959 -0.053917577 -0.047397554 -0.046024814
#> 64: -0.0461676672 0.004980754 -0.054463879 -0.047817149 -0.046385767
#> 65: -0.0465344395 0.004974505 -0.055029576 -0.048171336 -0.046728446
#> 66: -0.0467085134 0.004987172 -0.055278270 -0.048307115 -0.046807834
#> 67: -0.0470125126 0.005001989 -0.055937621 -0.048617737 -0.047056368
#> 68: -0.0470762213 0.005031631 -0.056054480 -0.048744553 -0.047146126
#> 69: -0.0470922371 0.005027823 -0.056236938 -0.048762022 -0.047167387
#> 70: -0.0471599938 0.005007993 -0.056470303 -0.048790355 -0.047215865
#> 71: -0.0472393410 0.004981144 -0.056212412 -0.048858275 -0.047333784
#> 72: -0.0470572433 0.004972002 -0.055840054 -0.048648202 -0.047193571
#> 73: -0.0470738718 0.004972185 -0.055716163 -0.048634095 -0.047231769
#> 74: -0.0469872489 0.004998265 -0.055480394 -0.048588604 -0.047244322
#>              mean          sd     lower_90     lower_50     lower_20
#>         upper_20     upper_50     upper_90
#>  1:  0.126974319  0.129181006  0.135125020
#>  2:  0.129016295  0.131073872  0.136825751
#>  3:  0.113193896  0.115619247  0.122048566
#>  4:  0.113391919  0.115376367  0.122041742
#>  5:  0.104089038  0.106126406  0.112941966
#>  6:  0.099391063  0.101393921  0.108299266
#>  7:  0.099314720  0.101251512  0.108351411
#>  8:  0.099676803  0.101538755  0.109191955
#>  9:  0.096879017  0.098810553  0.106359698
#> 10:  0.060266924  0.063124917  0.071144610
#> 11:  0.033278800  0.035928334  0.044093728
#> 12:  0.018343257  0.021156422  0.028618675
#> 13:  0.001133955  0.003945332  0.011326944
#> 14: -0.013516731 -0.010846177 -0.003369874
#> 15: -0.024808863 -0.022300552 -0.014773523
#> 16: -0.039824815 -0.037504539 -0.030282111
#> 17: -0.023427276 -0.021427922 -0.013597791
#> 18: -0.029338310 -0.027807864 -0.020228882
#> 19: -0.033904057 -0.032404734 -0.025244117
#> 20: -0.037444621 -0.036007528 -0.029384585
#> 21: -0.040092223 -0.038622996 -0.032273859
#> 22: -0.041964317 -0.040637534 -0.034670993
#> 23: -0.043098917 -0.041839547 -0.036206513
#> 24: -0.043858659 -0.042787576 -0.037305233
#> 25: -0.044504811 -0.043405910 -0.038266067
#> 26: -0.044949563 -0.043783173 -0.038932890
#> 27: -0.045240486 -0.044041203 -0.039638999
#> 28: -0.045580007 -0.044290954 -0.040138782
#> 29: -0.045654326 -0.044423955 -0.040161580
#> 30: -0.045976105 -0.044719186 -0.040187516
#> 31: -0.045998107 -0.044728084 -0.040434647
#> 32: -0.045928736 -0.044753046 -0.040498853
#> 33: -0.045987744 -0.044778938 -0.040473195
#> 34: -0.046030226 -0.044894465 -0.040650252
#> 35: -0.045852536 -0.044694214 -0.040576889
#> 36: -0.045915761 -0.044690509 -0.040655877
#> 37: -0.045857279 -0.044690151 -0.040563540
#> 38:  0.126667235  0.128976387  0.135803129
#> 39:  0.128711273  0.130926990  0.137441479
#> 40:  0.112763761  0.115390983  0.123067738
#> 41:  0.113069937  0.115395890  0.122571590
#> 42:  0.103755058  0.106163355  0.113956773
#> 43:  0.099081580  0.101412030  0.109249469
#> 44:  0.099151530  0.101310886  0.108950826
#> 45:  0.099580078  0.101605352  0.109403957
#> 46:  0.096737404  0.098979233  0.106905316
#> 47:  0.059927752  0.062932801  0.071813930
#> 48:  0.033215668  0.035774758  0.044761953
#> 49:  0.018328441  0.020977888  0.029202975
#> 50:  0.001109841  0.003651730  0.012035207
#> 51: -0.013720296 -0.011128168 -0.002670470
#> 52: -0.025078514 -0.022442363 -0.014121950
#> 53: -0.040020260 -0.037550004 -0.029241437
#> 54: -0.023527833 -0.021390682 -0.013127634
#> 55: -0.029501696 -0.027827931 -0.019490153
#> 56: -0.034049136 -0.032588941 -0.024925715
#> 57: -0.037543469 -0.036181137 -0.029403019
#> 58: -0.040123114 -0.038850537 -0.032735777
#> 59: -0.041966367 -0.040641479 -0.034674348
#> 60: -0.043067648 -0.041818593 -0.036347562
#> 61: -0.043826184 -0.042610434 -0.037393286
#> 62: -0.044414029 -0.043232374 -0.038184412
#> 63: -0.044875718 -0.043705700 -0.038818732
#> 64: -0.045133195 -0.044050961 -0.039466600
#> 65: -0.045431604 -0.044345883 -0.039782672
#> 66: -0.045545412 -0.044420758 -0.039948566
#> 67: -0.045862923 -0.044718085 -0.040195048
#> 68: -0.045836561 -0.044657230 -0.040145324
#> 69: -0.045840903 -0.044629348 -0.040119595
#> 70: -0.045903824 -0.044793955 -0.040373969
#> 71: -0.046009350 -0.044892403 -0.040673892
#> 72: -0.045878094 -0.044720211 -0.040515216
#> 73: -0.045965006 -0.044871416 -0.040553684
#> 74: -0.045989411 -0.044743823 -0.040590654
#>         upper_20     upper_50     upper_90
#> $summarised_measures$cases_by_infection
#>       region       date strat                           type median   mean
#>  1: realland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate 1190.6 1175.9
#>  2: realland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate 1423.1 1406.7
#>  3: realland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate 1585.3 1568.8
#>  4: realland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate 1846.5 1829.8
#>  5: realland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate 2065.0 2050.0
#>  6: realland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate 2325.0 2312.5
#>  7: realland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate 2651.6 2642.5
#>  8: realland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate 3025.3 3021.7
#>  9: realland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate 3406.9 3410.5
#> 10: realland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate 3302.9 3314.7
#> 11: realland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate 3176.4 3194.9
#> 12: realland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate 3109.9 3134.6
#> 13: realland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate 2946.0 2975.1
#> 14: realland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate 2758.3 2790.6
#> 15: realland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate 2577.8 2611.6
#> 16: realland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate 2328.1 2361.5
#> 17: realland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2418.9 2456.9
#> 18: realland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2285.3 2322.6
#> 19: realland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2157.9 2194.3
#> 20: realland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2036.1 2072.1
#> 21: realland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1922.8 1956.4
#> 22: realland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1814.9 1846.1
#> 23: realland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1714.1 1742.6
#> 24: realland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1618.5 1644.0
#> 25: realland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1527.5 1550.3
#> 26: realland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1441.0 1461.7
#> 27: realland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1360.4 1378.2
#> 28: realland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1283.3 1299.0
#> 29: realland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1212.0 1225.0
#> 30: realland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1143.5 1154.3
#> 31: realland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast 1079.8 1089.0
#> 32: realland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast 1019.1 1026.9
#> 33: realland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast  961.7  968.1
#> 34: realland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast  907.1  912.5
#> 35: realland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast  857.3  861.2
#> 36: realland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast  808.9  812.2
#> 37: realland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast  763.8  766.3
#> 38: testland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate 1190.3 1174.5
#> 39: testland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate 1422.9 1405.2
#> 40: testland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate 1585.5 1567.4
#> 41: testland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate 1847.4 1828.5
#> 42: testland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate 2066.2 2048.8
#> 43: testland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate 2326.6 2311.5
#> 44: testland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate 2653.0 2641.8
#> 45: testland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate 3027.0 3021.5
#> 46: testland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate 3407.7 3410.7
#> 47: testland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate 3302.8 3315.3
#> 48: testland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate 3176.4 3195.9
#> 49: testland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate 3109.3 3136.0
#> 50: testland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate 2945.6 2976.7
#> 51: testland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate 2757.9 2792.4
#> 52: testland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate 2577.8 2613.4
#> 53: testland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate 2327.6 2363.3
#> 54: testland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2420.0 2459.0
#> 55: testland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2286.2 2324.7
#> 56: testland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2158.7 2196.5
#> 57: testland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2038.3 2074.4
#> 58: testland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1924.6 1958.7
#> 59: testland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1816.3 1848.6
#> 60: testland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1714.5 1745.1
#> 61: testland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1618.3 1646.5
#> 62: testland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1527.1 1552.8
#> 63: testland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1440.8 1464.2
#> 64: testland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1359.8 1380.7
#> 65: testland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1283.1 1301.4
#> 66: testland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1211.7 1227.3
#> 67: testland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1143.0 1156.5
#> 68: testland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast 1079.4 1090.9
#> 69: testland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast 1018.9 1028.7
#> 70: testland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast  961.4  969.7
#> 71: testland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast  907.2  913.9
#> 72: testland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast  857.0  862.4
#> 73: testland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast  808.9  813.2
#> 74: testland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast  763.6  767.1
#>       region       date strat                           type median   mean
#>        sd lower_90 lower_50 lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
#>  1:  70.1   1049.3   1148.9   1180.1   1197.0   1207.0   1270.4
#>  2:  83.0   1255.6   1375.9   1410.8   1430.9   1442.5   1516.4
#>  3:  91.4   1404.0   1533.2   1572.1   1593.2   1608.0   1692.0
#>  4: 105.1   1639.5   1789.4   1831.0   1854.9   1873.8   1969.0
#>  5: 116.0   1849.5   2005.1   2048.1   2074.0   2097.0   2207.3
#>  6: 128.8   2095.1   2261.0   2307.3   2334.7   2363.7   2496.1
#>  7: 145.1   2407.8   2583.1   2631.8   2663.1   2697.0   2856.9
#>  8: 164.0   2763.2   2956.2   3006.2   3038.1   3082.7   3273.4
#>  9: 183.9   3131.8   3334.7   3388.6   3421.3   3474.7   3706.3
#> 10: 178.7   3058.8   3238.4   3288.3   3318.8   3375.5   3603.2
#> 11: 173.7   2953.6   3120.9   3163.2   3193.7   3251.2   3480.7
#> 12: 173.2   2899.8   3057.8   3097.3   3128.2   3188.5   3425.6
#> 13: 168.2   2754.5   2899.2   2933.4   2966.3   3025.9   3269.0
#> 14: 162.1   2584.4   2716.9   2745.8   2781.6   2836.0   3088.3
#> 15: 155.9   2417.8   2537.8   2565.6   2598.7   2653.6   2903.5
#> 16: 144.6   2190.6   2291.4   2315.7   2348.1   2400.3   2638.7
#> 17: 153.7   2277.2   2382.7   2406.2   2441.5   2499.0   2754.1
#> 18: 147.7   2150.9   2249.7   2273.0   2307.3   2362.7   2610.2
#> 19: 141.1   2029.4   2125.2   2146.1   2179.7   2232.0   2467.9
#> 20: 134.0   1914.1   2008.2   2025.8   2057.1   2109.4   2337.9
#> 21: 126.7   1807.7   1895.4   1912.4   1944.2   1989.4   2200.8
#> 22: 119.4   1706.8   1788.4   1805.5   1836.1   1877.7   2074.3
#> 23: 112.1   1611.5   1689.3   1705.3   1732.7   1773.2   1955.9
#> 24: 105.0   1516.5   1594.2   1609.9   1635.0   1673.7   1846.8
#> 25:  98.1   1430.1   1505.1   1519.7   1542.3   1579.8   1737.6
#> 26:  91.5   1348.5   1419.7   1434.7   1455.8   1489.2   1635.1
#> 27:  85.2   1273.3   1338.9   1354.4   1374.0   1403.2   1532.4
#> 28:  79.2   1200.1   1263.8   1277.9   1295.8   1324.0   1439.9
#> 29:  73.7   1128.7   1191.7   1206.6   1222.4   1248.1   1357.6
#> 30:  68.6   1060.8   1124.2   1138.4   1152.7   1177.0   1277.9
#> 31:  64.0    999.9   1061.6   1074.9   1088.2   1111.2   1200.4
#> 32:  59.9    942.3   1001.5   1014.9   1027.0   1048.7   1129.0
#> 33:  56.0    886.0    944.8    957.7    968.8    988.3   1065.0
#> 34:  52.5    834.6    891.7    903.4    914.1    931.7   1004.4
#> 35:  49.3    786.4    841.9    853.5    863.4    878.5    944.9
#> 36:  46.3    741.8    794.1    805.5    814.8    828.4    890.9
#> 37:  43.4    698.8    748.8    760.5    768.9    781.3    840.4
#> 38:  73.4   1040.0   1151.2   1179.7   1197.2   1206.4   1265.0
#> 39:  86.5   1251.9   1378.3   1410.9   1430.4   1442.8   1512.9
#> 40:  95.0   1399.2   1536.4   1571.7   1592.8   1607.2   1684.9
#> 41: 109.0   1638.7   1790.9   1831.2   1854.3   1872.8   1971.1
#> 42: 120.1   1844.8   2007.3   2050.3   2073.8   2096.4   2211.8
#> 43: 133.3   2092.1   2264.9   2309.3   2334.4   2361.3   2504.0
#> 44: 150.2   2403.7   2586.6   2637.0   2661.9   2695.9   2862.3
#> 45: 169.9   2758.6   2958.5   3011.8   3039.7   3078.1   3282.5
#> 46: 190.5   3125.7   3336.6   3392.3   3423.5   3472.8   3717.2
#> 47: 185.2   3045.4   3244.4   3289.6   3322.2   3373.1   3621.6
#> 48: 180.0   2944.6   3123.2   3164.1   3194.8   3250.1   3513.3
#> 49: 179.4   2904.9   3059.3   3097.6   3130.0   3189.8   3457.4
#> 50: 174.1   2762.0   2899.7   2934.7   2966.7   3027.8   3290.1
#> 51: 167.5   2593.5   2716.9   2746.9   2780.6   2837.5   3107.4
#> 52: 160.8   2430.3   2539.3   2565.2   2600.5   2653.6   2909.5
#> 53: 148.8   2194.3   2292.8   2316.3   2348.6   2402.5   2647.6
#> 54: 157.9   2279.9   2385.0   2407.0   2441.8   2499.5   2764.6
#> 55: 151.7   2155.7   2253.9   2273.4   2308.6   2363.4   2611.3
#> 56: 145.3   2032.7   2128.0   2146.7   2179.6   2231.8   2475.9
#> 57: 138.8   1920.8   2009.9   2026.7   2058.2   2108.1   2349.7
#> 58: 132.4   1808.1   1897.6   1913.6   1942.1   1986.9   2226.2
#> 59: 126.1   1704.8   1791.2   1806.3   1832.5   1877.4   2098.7
#> 60: 119.9   1609.1   1691.8   1705.8   1729.4   1771.2   1981.0
#> 61: 113.7   1518.6   1596.0   1610.3   1632.1   1672.8   1867.4
#> 62: 107.4   1434.6   1506.1   1520.1   1539.6   1576.8   1755.1
#> 63: 101.0   1352.3   1421.4   1434.8   1452.3   1487.8   1652.4
#> 64:  94.7   1276.0   1340.8   1354.5   1371.5   1403.3   1549.9
#> 65:  88.4   1202.3   1265.1   1278.0   1293.2   1323.8   1462.0
#> 66:  82.4   1132.1   1193.7   1207.1   1221.1   1247.9   1372.2
#> 67:  76.5   1065.1   1125.4   1138.9   1151.3   1176.3   1287.5
#> 68:  71.1   1003.9   1063.2   1075.6   1087.1   1110.5   1208.1
#> 69:  65.9    944.1   1002.9   1015.1   1026.2   1047.1   1138.2
#> 70:  61.1    887.7    946.0    957.9    968.1    987.5   1070.8
#> 71:  56.4    836.4    891.7    903.7    913.1    931.1   1005.3
#> 72:  52.2    788.9    841.5    853.6    862.0    878.9    946.7
#> 73:  48.1    745.9    794.5    805.5    813.1    829.0    893.4
#> 74:  44.4    703.3    749.7    760.7    767.5    781.7    841.9
#>        sd lower_90 lower_50 lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
#> $summarised_measures$cases_by_report
#>       region       date strat                           type median   mean
#>  1: realland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate  160.0  244.0
#>  2: realland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate  245.0  348.0
#>  3: realland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate  173.0  266.9
#>  4: realland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate  248.0  385.1
#>  5: realland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate  238.0  379.5
#>  6: realland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate  390.5  590.5
#>  7: realland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate  579.0  869.2
#>  8: realland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate  610.5  910.2
#>  9: realland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate  793.5 1217.5
#> 10: realland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate  559.0  888.1
#> 11: realland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate  778.0 1176.6
#> 12: realland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate  736.5 1137.6
#> 13: realland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate 1053.0 1661.8
#> 14: realland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate 1485.5 2235.1
#> 15: realland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate 1466.5 2262.4
#> 16: realland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate 1975.5 2922.8
#> 17: realland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1151.0 1803.7
#> 18: realland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1392.5 2176.8
#> 19: realland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1250.0 1962.5
#> 20: realland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1597.5 2455.6
#> 21: realland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2048.0 3006.0
#> 22: realland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1777.5 2676.8
#> 23: realland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2113.5 3073.6
#> 24: realland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1194.5 1925.7
#> 25: realland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1379.5 2136.3
#> 26: realland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1133.0 1762.0
#> 27: realland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1502.5 2280.7
#> 28: realland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1787.0 2626.4
#> 29: realland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1553.0 2340.4
#> 30: realland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1668.0 2533.5
#> 31: realland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast 1020.5 1509.0
#> 32: realland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast 1121.5 1734.8
#> 33: realland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast  930.5 1469.2
#> 34: realland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast 1107.5 1716.7
#> 35: realland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast 1256.5 1973.7
#> 36: realland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast 1101.0 1722.5
#> 37: realland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast 1244.0 1898.3
#> 38: testland 2020-02-22  <NA>                       estimate  160.0  248.1
#> 39: testland 2020-02-23  <NA>                       estimate  229.0  349.1
#> 40: testland 2020-02-24  <NA>                       estimate  188.0  277.7
#> 41: testland 2020-02-25  <NA>                       estimate  254.0  389.9
#> 42: testland 2020-02-26  <NA>                       estimate  244.5  390.4
#> 43: testland 2020-02-27  <NA>                       estimate  400.5  597.4
#> 44: testland 2020-02-28  <NA>                       estimate  562.5  845.9
#> 45: testland 2020-02-29  <NA>                       estimate  591.5  890.4
#> 46: testland 2020-03-01  <NA>                       estimate  829.5 1195.4
#> 47: testland 2020-03-02  <NA>                       estimate  581.5  898.4
#> 48: testland 2020-03-03  <NA>                       estimate  765.5 1147.3
#> 49: testland 2020-03-04  <NA>                       estimate  734.5 1157.3
#> 50: testland 2020-03-05  <NA>                       estimate 1063.5 1594.7
#> 51: testland 2020-03-06  <NA>                       estimate 1445.5 2175.0
#> 52: testland 2020-03-07  <NA>                       estimate 1456.5 2218.6
#> 53: testland 2020-03-08  <NA>                       estimate 1866.5 2781.4
#> 54: testland 2020-03-09  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1158.5 1826.5
#> 55: testland 2020-03-10  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1494.5 2251.4
#> 56: testland 2020-03-11  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1183.5 1855.8
#> 57: testland 2020-03-12  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1711.0 2499.6
#> 58: testland 2020-03-13  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1980.0 2979.0
#> 59: testland 2020-03-14  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1882.5 2735.5
#> 60: testland 2020-03-15  <NA> estimate based on partial data 2143.0 3139.8
#> 61: testland 2020-03-16  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1245.5 1881.8
#> 62: testland 2020-03-17  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1344.5 2196.7
#> 63: testland 2020-03-18  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1130.5 1791.4
#> 64: testland 2020-03-19  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1515.5 2215.8
#> 65: testland 2020-03-20  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1733.0 2695.4
#> 66: testland 2020-03-21  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1547.0 2310.0
#> 67: testland 2020-03-22  <NA> estimate based on partial data 1785.0 2578.2
#> 68: testland 2020-03-23  <NA>                       forecast 1079.0 1639.7
#> 69: testland 2020-03-24  <NA>                       forecast 1166.5 1826.7
#> 70: testland 2020-03-25  <NA>                       forecast  917.0 1461.6
#> 71: testland 2020-03-26  <NA>                       forecast 1059.5 1662.7
#> 72: testland 2020-03-27  <NA>                       forecast 1293.5 2052.4
#> 73: testland 2020-03-28  <NA>                       forecast 1112.5 1672.4
#> 74: testland 2020-03-29  <NA>                       forecast 1242.0 1862.8
#>       region       date strat                           type median   mean
#>         sd lower_90 lower_50 lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
#>  1:  258.9     13.0     69.0    119.0    208.4    327.0    750.0
#>  2:  352.7     19.0    101.0    173.0    316.0    484.0   1028.3
#>  3:  296.5     15.0     71.0    126.6    234.0    362.0    799.3
#>  4:  442.9     20.0    107.0    183.0    330.4    506.2   1208.0
#>  5:  441.7     17.0    102.0    178.0    315.0    498.0   1212.1
#>  6:  670.1     29.9    164.8    284.6    505.0    768.0   1838.8
#>  7:  937.5     48.9    242.8    427.6    761.0   1143.2   2763.3
#>  8: 1011.2     44.9    255.8    447.6    814.0   1193.0   2782.1
#>  9: 1368.9     67.9    357.0    608.6   1051.4   1591.8   3650.7
#> 10: 1032.0     43.9    236.0    419.6    746.8   1157.0   2792.2
#> 11: 1265.7     63.0    368.8    593.6   1033.2   1585.2   3542.2
#> 12: 1258.7     51.9    302.8    544.0    956.8   1511.0   3601.8
#> 13: 1843.6     83.9    475.5    817.2   1422.0   2166.8   5457.0
#> 14: 2368.7    122.7    619.8   1092.2   1988.0   2994.8   7018.3
#> 15: 2538.5    123.9    625.0   1104.6   1883.4   2956.2   7004.5
#> 16: 3145.3    144.9    817.5   1475.0   2580.6   3982.2   9027.5
#> 17: 2070.6     84.9    488.0    852.8   1534.2   2425.2   5475.5
#> 18: 2398.1    119.0    623.8   1059.0   1877.0   2808.8   7071.3
#> 19: 2169.5     97.9    546.0    933.2   1693.8   2560.0   6285.4
#> 20: 2722.6    127.0    640.8   1167.0   2132.0   3216.8   8069.1
#> 21: 3111.3    176.0    891.8   1515.6   2680.6   3947.0   8961.4
#> 22: 2867.5    141.0    753.0   1300.6   2364.8   3591.0   7952.0
#> 23: 3295.6    173.8    902.0   1539.6   2710.2   4136.8   9318.9
#> 24: 2305.7    102.0    482.0    906.2   1583.4   2471.5   6229.3
#> 25: 2415.5    108.0    570.5    991.6   1796.4   2842.8   6678.5
#> 26: 1921.8     90.0    468.8    824.0   1548.0   2348.0   5709.1
#> 27: 2512.2    131.0    646.0   1116.6   1934.4   2936.2   7194.5
#> 28: 2744.0    127.9    777.5   1314.2   2360.4   3492.0   8022.5
#> 29: 2635.8    112.0    647.0   1187.8   2026.6   3029.0   7423.6
#> 30: 2679.9    149.7    696.0   1223.0   2269.4   3476.2   7615.6
#> 31: 1624.6     81.0    405.0    747.8   1334.0   2007.2   4585.4
#> 32: 1883.3     90.9    478.5    824.8   1497.4   2277.0   5582.8
#> 33: 1614.9     64.9    384.0    699.0   1245.0   1979.2   4609.2
#> 34: 1902.3    102.9    498.0    843.0   1457.8   2233.0   5316.2
#> 35: 2096.8     97.8    539.0    932.6   1682.2   2662.2   6204.5
#> 36: 1895.2     99.8    477.8    825.8   1474.6   2304.5   5302.6
#> 37: 2022.6    106.9    546.5    963.0   1659.0   2463.8   6091.7
#> 38:  290.2     12.0     68.0    114.0    214.0    336.0    781.1
#> 39:  378.3     16.9     98.0    168.6    301.0    456.2   1152.0
#> 40:  308.5     12.0     76.0    131.6    242.0    363.0    891.1
#> 41:  435.0     20.9    105.0    186.0    327.4    514.0   1191.3
#> 42:  459.9     21.0    108.0    179.6    321.4    522.0   1253.5
#> 43:  655.9     26.0    162.0    279.0    522.0    793.0   1912.7
#> 44:  923.4     46.0    253.0    417.0    732.8   1107.0   2665.1
#> 45:  982.6     45.0    243.8    437.6    762.0   1148.2   2770.3
#> 46: 1260.3     70.0    367.5    611.0   1061.4   1582.5   3505.5
#> 47: 1040.0     57.0    263.8    440.6    766.4   1128.2   2820.8
#> 48: 1223.4     58.0    324.5    555.6   1048.4   1529.0   3513.1
#> 49: 1317.5     61.0    320.0    545.6    977.2   1536.2   3698.1
#> 50: 1723.8     86.9    443.5    768.6   1425.4   2088.8   4901.8
#> 51: 2381.1    133.9    617.2   1075.8   1931.4   2847.8   6717.4
#> 52: 2316.1    131.9    631.8   1116.6   1968.6   2996.0   7010.4
#> 53: 2986.8    147.8    736.2   1338.2   2452.8   3705.8   8520.9
#> 54: 2109.4     93.9    496.0    861.4   1521.2   2390.5   5856.7
#> 55: 2546.5    109.9    649.8   1068.0   1934.4   2945.8   6900.4
#> 56: 2146.8     90.9    492.8    881.2   1610.2   2461.0   5765.5
#> 57: 2710.8    118.0    711.8   1256.2   2230.0   3341.2   7638.6
#> 58: 3188.0    160.9    786.8   1433.2   2646.0   4068.8   8987.8
#> 59: 3039.8    153.0    770.8   1406.0   2432.8   3590.5   8260.2
#> 60: 3475.7    159.9    889.2   1587.2   2782.4   4153.0   9577.7
#> 61: 2123.1    107.9    535.0    908.4   1612.0   2501.0   5705.0
#> 62: 2533.3     99.9    549.8    968.6   1832.4   2880.5   7330.3
#> 63: 2149.3     85.9    473.8    848.0   1489.0   2323.8   5640.3
#> 64: 2315.6    138.8    623.5   1104.4   1950.4   2976.2   6774.2
#> 65: 3039.8    144.8    704.0   1263.6   2316.4   3613.2   8517.5
#> 66: 2546.3    106.0    634.8   1109.6   2065.4   3004.5   7172.0
#> 67: 2649.3    135.9    802.0   1336.2   2319.8   3431.5   7686.3
#> 68: 1855.7     88.9    439.8    795.2   1448.0   2133.5   5065.2
#> 69: 2051.9     93.9    506.2    853.6   1573.8   2476.2   5659.4
#> 70: 1690.9     70.9    363.2    660.2   1222.8   1932.8   4530.0
#> 71: 2029.2     99.0    460.0    805.2   1397.4   2098.2   5474.6
#> 72: 2362.7    100.9    535.8    914.0   1715.8   2788.0   6479.1
#> 73: 1829.2     81.0    462.0    806.2   1436.4   2204.0   5238.8
#> 74: 2074.2    105.9    538.0    916.6   1603.4   2430.8   5676.3
#>         sd lower_90 lower_50 lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
#> $reported_cases
#>           date confirm   region
#>  1: 2020-02-22      14 testland
#>  2: 2020-02-23      62 testland
#>  3: 2020-02-24      53 testland
#>  4: 2020-02-25      97 testland
#>  5: 2020-02-26      93 testland
#>  6: 2020-02-27      78 testland
#>  7: 2020-02-28     250 testland
#>  8: 2020-02-29     238 testland
#>  9: 2020-03-01     240 testland
#> 10: 2020-03-02     561 testland
#> 11: 2020-03-03     347 testland
#> 12: 2020-03-04     466 testland
#> 13: 2020-03-05     587 testland
#> 14: 2020-03-06     769 testland
#> 15: 2020-03-07     778 testland
#> 16: 2020-03-08    1247 testland
#> 17: 2020-03-09    1492 testland
#> 18: 2020-03-10    1797 testland
#> 19: 2020-03-11     977 testland
#> 20: 2020-03-12    2313 testland
#> 21: 2020-03-13    2651 testland
#> 22: 2020-03-14    2547 testland
#> 23: 2020-03-15    3497 testland
#> 24: 2020-03-16    2823 testland
#> 25: 2020-03-17    4000 testland
#> 26: 2020-03-18    3526 testland
#> 27: 2020-03-19    4207 testland
#> 28: 2020-03-20    5322 testland
#> 29: 2020-03-21    5986 testland
#> 30: 2020-03-22    6557 testland
#> 31: 2020-02-22      14 realland
#> 32: 2020-02-23      62 realland
#> 33: 2020-02-24      53 realland
#> 34: 2020-02-25      97 realland
#> 35: 2020-02-26      93 realland
#> 36: 2020-02-27      78 realland
#> 37: 2020-02-28     250 realland
#> 38: 2020-02-29     238 realland
#> 39: 2020-03-01     240 realland
#> 40: 2020-03-02     561 realland
#> 41: 2020-03-03     347 realland
#> 42: 2020-03-04     466 realland
#> 43: 2020-03-05     587 realland
#> 44: 2020-03-06     769 realland
#> 45: 2020-03-07     778 realland
#> 46: 2020-03-08    1247 realland
#> 47: 2020-03-09    1492 realland
#> 48: 2020-03-10    1797 realland
#> 49: 2020-03-11     977 realland
#> 50: 2020-03-12    2313 realland
#> 51: 2020-03-13    2651 realland
#> 52: 2020-03-14    2547 realland
#> 53: 2020-03-15    3497 realland
#> 54: 2020-03-16    2823 realland
#> 55: 2020-03-17    4000 realland
#> 56: 2020-03-18    3526 realland
#> 57: 2020-03-19    4207 realland
#> 58: 2020-03-20    5322 realland
#> 59: 2020-03-21    5986 realland
#> 60: 2020-03-22    6557 realland
#>           date confirm   region
#> $high_plots
#> $high_plots$infections

#> $high_plots$reports

#> $high_plots$R

#> $high_plots$growth_rate

#> $plots
#> $plots$infections

#> $plots$reports

#> $plots$R

#> $plots$growth_rate

# }