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Simulate a secondary observation


  type = "incidence",
  family = "poisson",
  delay_max = 30,



A data frame containing the date of report and primary cases as a numeric vector.


A character string indicating the type of observation the secondary reports are. Options include:

  • "incidence": Assumes that secondary reports equal a convolution of previously observed primary reported cases. An example application is deaths from an infectious disease predicted by reported cases of that disease (or estimated infections).

  • "prevalence": Assumes that secondary reports are cumulative and are defined by currently observed primary reports minus a convolution of secondary reports. An example application is hospital bed usage predicted by hospital admissions.


Character string defining the observation model. Options are Negative binomial ("negbin"), the default, Poisson ("poisson"), and "none" meaning the expectation is returned.


Integer, defaulting to 30 days. The maximum delay used in the convolution model.


Additional parameters to pass to the observation model (i.e rnbinom or rpois).


A data frame containing simulated data in the format required by estimate_secondary().

See also



Sam Abbott

Sebastian Funk


# load data.table for manipulation

#### Incidence data example ####

# make some example secondary incidence data
cases <- example_confirmed
cases <-[, primary := confirm]

# Assume that only 40 percent of cases are reported
cases[, scaling := 0.4]
#>            date confirm primary scaling
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14      14     0.4
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62      62     0.4
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53      53     0.4
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97      97     0.4
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93      93     0.4
#>  ---                                   
#> 126: 2020-06-26     296     296     0.4
#> 127: 2020-06-27     255     255     0.4
#> 128: 2020-06-28     175     175     0.4
#> 129: 2020-06-29     174     174     0.4
#> 130: 2020-06-30     126     126     0.4

# Parameters of the assumed log normal delay distribution
cases[, meanlog := 1.8][, sdlog := 0.5]
#>            date confirm primary scaling meanlog sdlog
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14      14     0.4     1.8   0.5
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62      62     0.4     1.8   0.5
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53      53     0.4     1.8   0.5
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97      97     0.4     1.8   0.5
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93      93     0.4     1.8   0.5
#>  ---                                                 
#> 126: 2020-06-26     296     296     0.4     1.8   0.5
#> 127: 2020-06-27     255     255     0.4     1.8   0.5
#> 128: 2020-06-28     175     175     0.4     1.8   0.5
#> 129: 2020-06-29     174     174     0.4     1.8   0.5
#> 130: 2020-06-30     126     126     0.4     1.8   0.5

# Simulate secondary cases
cases <- simulate_secondary(cases, type = "incidence")
#>            date confirm primary scaling meanlog sdlog index scaled       conv
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14      14     0.4     1.8   0.5     1    5.6   5.600000
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62      62     0.4     1.8   0.5     2   24.8   5.827560
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53      53     0.4     1.8   0.5     3   21.2   8.801043
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97      97     0.4     1.8   0.5     4   38.8  12.938343
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93      93     0.4     1.8   0.5     5   37.2  16.590082
#>  ---                                                                         
#> 126: 2020-06-26     296     296     0.4     1.8   0.5   126  118.4  91.429685
#> 127: 2020-06-27     255     255     0.4     1.8   0.5   127  102.0  95.779467
#> 128: 2020-06-28     175     175     0.4     1.8   0.5   128   70.0 103.797728
#> 129: 2020-06-29     174     174     0.4     1.8   0.5   129   69.6 109.079519
#> 130: 2020-06-30     126     126     0.4     1.8   0.5   130   50.4 109.018943
#>      secondary
#>   1:         8
#>   2:         5
#>   3:        13
#>   4:        16
#>   5:        21
#>  ---          
#> 126:        85
#> 127:        99
#> 128:       112
#> 129:       117
#> 130:       111
#### Prevalence data example ####

# make some example prevalence data
cases <- example_confirmed
cases <-[, primary := confirm]

# Assume that only 30 percent of cases are reported
cases[, scaling := 0.3]
#>            date confirm primary scaling
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14      14     0.3
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62      62     0.3
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53      53     0.3
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97      97     0.3
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93      93     0.3
#>  ---                                   
#> 126: 2020-06-26     296     296     0.3
#> 127: 2020-06-27     255     255     0.3
#> 128: 2020-06-28     175     175     0.3
#> 129: 2020-06-29     174     174     0.3
#> 130: 2020-06-30     126     126     0.3

# Parameters of the assumed log normal delay distribution
cases[, meanlog := 1.6][, sdlog := 0.8]
#>            date confirm primary scaling meanlog sdlog
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14      14     0.3     1.6   0.8
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62      62     0.3     1.6   0.8
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53      53     0.3     1.6   0.8
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97      97     0.3     1.6   0.8
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93      93     0.3     1.6   0.8
#>  ---                                                 
#> 126: 2020-06-26     296     296     0.3     1.6   0.8
#> 127: 2020-06-27     255     255     0.3     1.6   0.8
#> 128: 2020-06-28     175     175     0.3     1.6   0.8
#> 129: 2020-06-29     174     174     0.3     1.6   0.8
#> 130: 2020-06-30     126     126     0.3     1.6   0.8

# Simulate secondary cases
cases <- simulate_secondary(cases, type = "prevalence")
#>            date confirm primary scaling meanlog sdlog index scaled      conv
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14      14     0.3     1.6   0.8     1    4.2  4.200000
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62      62     0.3     1.6   0.8     2   18.6  6.749663
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53      53     0.3     1.6   0.8     3   15.9 10.939618
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97      97     0.3     1.6   0.8     4   29.1 13.765588
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93      93     0.3     1.6   0.8     5   27.9 17.347381
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 126: 2020-06-26     296     296     0.3     1.6   0.8   126   88.8 77.928567
#> 127: 2020-06-27     255     255     0.3     1.6   0.8   127   76.5 82.956283
#> 128: 2020-06-28     175     175     0.3     1.6   0.8   128   52.5 83.358105
#> 129: 2020-06-29     174     174     0.3     1.6   0.8   129   52.2 80.055418
#> 130: 2020-06-30     126     126     0.3     1.6   0.8   130   37.8 75.242850
#>      secondary
#>   1:         8
#>   2:        13
#>   3:        31
#>   4:        40
#>   5:        50
#>  ---          
#> 126:       277
#> 127:       289
#> 128:       238
#> 129:       194
#> 130:       182