Create an Rt visualisation using D3. Need convenience functions to define defaults
geoData = NULL,
rtData = NULL,
data_ref = NULL,
subregional_ref = NULL,
ts_color_ref = NULL,
ts_bar_color = "lightgrey",
projection = "geoEquirectangular",
map_legend_ref = NULL,
credible_threshold = 10,
width = NULL,
activeArea = "United Kingdom",
downloadUrl = NULL,
dryRun = FALSE
sf object, map data
data.frame, rt estimates in the format 'Source':'rtData':x, 'casesInfectionData':x, 'casesReportData':x, 'obsCasesData':x, ...
list, reference for input data column names. Specify the column holding geometry to be symbolized 'rtData':'geometry_name':'region', ...
list, reference to subnational estimates in the format 'country_name':'url', ....
list, reference for colors for time series plots.
string, color of observed cases bars in time series plots.
string, map projection, must be named in d3-geo-projection.
list, reference for map legend variables
integer, Threshold for credible intervals, maximum observed cases * this value will be removed.
integer, Width of widget in pixels.
string, Area to symbolize first.
string, URL to download data.
Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should the function be tested without the widget being created. Useful for checking the integrity of input data.