
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of Covid-19 across European nations

Paper text, figures, and code

The Rmarkdown document latest.Rmd contains all paper text integrated with code to generate in-line numbers and figures. The paper was collaborated on with trackdown in google drive:

This draws on a modular codebase for loading and summarising raw data from the European Forecast Hub, covered in a separate guide.

Generate the complete paper

Generate the latest version of the paper with:

                 rmarkdown::html_document(fig_caption = TRUE),
                 output_dir = "output")

This includes the title page with author information, abstract, and references (available as a bib file).

Generate the Supplementary Information with:

                 rmarkdown::html_document(fig_caption = TRUE),
                 output_dir = "output")

All files (figures and PDFs) are then saved to output.