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Acts as a wrapper to scoringutils::score(). In particular, handling filtering the output for various forecast.vocs functions and linking this output to observed data. See the documentation for the scoringutils package for more on forecast scoring and the documentation and examples below for simple examples in the context of forecast.vocs. Internally name clashes between scoringutils variables and forecast.vocs variables are handled.


fv_score_forecast(forecast, obs, log = FALSE, check = TRUE, round_to = 3, ...)



A posterior forecast or posterior prediction as returned by summary.fv_posterior(), summary.fv_forecast() or fv_extract_forecast(). Internally case forecasts are filtered for using the value_type variable if present as are only overall or combined case counts (i.e as returned) by the 1 and 2 strain models. If looking for more complex scoring it may be wise to implement a custom wrapper.


A data frame of observed data as produced by latest_obs().


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should scores be calculated on the log scale (with a 0.01 shift) for both observations and forecasts. Scoring in this way can be thought of as a relative score vs the more usual absolute measure. It may be useful when targets are on very different scales or when the forecaster is more interested in good all round performance versus good performance for targets with large values.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should scoringutils::check_forecasts() be used to check input forecasts.


Integer defaults to 3. Number of digits to round scoring output to.


Additional arguments passed to scoringutils::score().


A data.table as returned by scoringutils::score().

See also

Functions to explore and validate models bp_launch_shinystan(), plot_pairs()


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
options(mc.cores = 4)

# Fit and forecast using both the one and two strain models
forecasts <- forecast(
  forecast_date = as.Date("2021-06-12"),
  horizon = 4,
  strains = c(1, 2),
  adapt_delta = 0.99,
  max_treedepth = 15,
  variant_relationship = "scaled"

# Extract forecasts
forecasts <- summary(forecasts, target = "forecast", type = "cases")

# Filter for the latest available observations
obs <- latest_obs(germany_covid19_delta_obs)

# score on the absolute scale
scores <- fv_score_forecast(forecasts, obs)
summarise_scores(scores, by = "strains")

# score overall on a log scale
log_scores <- fv_score_forecast(forecasts, obs, log = TRUE)
summarise_scores(log_scores, by = "strains")

# score by horizon
summarise_scores(scores, by = c("strains", "horizon"))

# score by horizon on a log scale
summarise_scores(log_scores, by = c("strains", "horizon"))