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Downloads survey data, or extracts them from files, and returns a clean data set. If a survey URL is accessed multiple times, the data will be cached (unless clear_cache is set to TRUE) to avoid repeated downloads.


get_survey(survey, clear_cache = FALSE, ...)



a DOI or url to get the survey from, or a survey() object (in which case only cleaning is done).


logical, whether to clear the cache before downloading the survey; by default, the cache is not cleared and so multiple calls of this function to access the same survey will not result in repeated downloads


options for clean(), which is called at the end of this


a survey in the correct format


If survey objects are used repeatedly the downloaded files can be saved and reloaded between sessions then survey objects can be saved/loaded using base::saveRDS() and base::readRDS(), or via the individual survey files that can be downloaded using download_survey() and subsequently loaded using load_survey().


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
peru_survey <- get_survey("")
} # }