Run a single instance of the branching process model
num.initial.cases = NULL,
prop.ascertain = NULL,
cap_max_days = NULL,
cap_cases = NULL,
r0isolated = NULL,
r0community = NULL,
r0subclin = NULL,
disp.iso = NULL, = NULL,
disp.subclin = NULL,
delay_shape = NULL,
delay_scale = NULL,
prop.asym = NULL,
quarantine = NULL
The number of initial or starting cases which are all assumed to be missed.
numeric proportion of infectious contacts ascertained by contact tracing (must be 0<=x<=1)
Stop the simulation when this many days is reached.
Stop the simulation when this many cases is reached.
numeric reproduction number for isolated cases (must be >0)
numeric reproduction number for non-isolated cases (must be >0)
numeric reproduction number for sub-clinical non-isolated cases (must be >0)
numeric dispersion parameter for isolated cases (must be >0)
numeric dispersion parameter for non-isolated cases (must be >0)
numeric dispersion parameter for sub-clincial non-isolated cases (must be >0)
numeric skew parameter for sampling the serial interval from the incubation period
numeric shape parameter of delay distribution
numeric scale parameter of delay distribution
proportion of cases that are completely asymptomatic.
logical whether quarantine is in effect, if TRUE then traced contacts are isolated before symptom onset
data.table of cases by week, cumulative cases, and the effective reproduction number of the outreak
if (FALSE) {
incfn <- dist_setup(dist_shape = 2.322737,dist_scale = 6.492272)
# delay distribution sampling function
delayfn <- dist_setup(2, 4)
# generate initial cases
case_data <- outbreak_setup(num.initial.cases = 5,
delayfn = delayfn,
# generate next generation of cases
case_data <- outbreak_step(case_data = case_data,
disp.iso = 1, = 0.16,
disp.subclin = 0.16,
r0isolated = 0,
r0community = 2.5,
r0subclin = 1.25,
prop.asym = 0,
incfn = incfn,
delayfn = delayfn,
prop.ascertain = 0,
k = 1.95,
quarantine = FALSE)