Estimate the time varying R0 - using EpiEstim

  cases = NULL,
  generation_times = NULL,
  rt_prior = NULL,
  windows = NULL,
  gt_samples = 100,
  rt_samples = 100,
  min_est_date = NULL,
  forecast_model = NULL,
  horizon = 0



A dataframe containing a list of local cases with the following variables: date, cases, and import_status


A matrix with columns representing samples and rows representing the probability of the generation timebeing on that day.


A list defining the reproduction number prior containing the mean (mean_prior) and standard deviation (std_prior)


Numeric vector, windows over which to estimate time-varying R. The best performing window will be selected per serial interval sample by default (based on which window best forecasts current cases).


Numeric, the number of samples to take from the generaiton times supplied


Numeric, the number of samples to take from the estimated R distribution for each time point.


Date to begin estimation.


An uninitialised bsts model passed to EpiSoon::forecast_rt to be used for forecasting future Rt values. An example of the required structure is: function(ss, y){bsts::AddSemilocalLinearTrend(ss, y = y)}.


Numeric, defaults to 0. The horizon over which to forecast Rts and cases.


A list of data.table's containing the date and summarised R estimate and optionally a case forecast


## Nowcast Rts estimates <- estimate_R0(cases = EpiSoon::example_obs_cases, generation_times = as.matrix(EpiNow::covid_generation_times[,2]), rt_prior = list(mean_prior = 2.6, std_prior = 2), windows = c(1, 3, 7), rt_samples = 10, gt_samples = 1) estimates$rts
#> date R sample crps window rt_type #> 1: 2020-01-24 0.3179646 1 0.09 3 nowcast #> 2: 2020-01-24 1.0212079 2 0.09 3 nowcast #> 3: 2020-01-24 1.4533755 3 0.09 3 nowcast #> 4: 2020-01-24 1.6329530 4 0.09 3 nowcast #> 5: 2020-01-24 1.6330397 5 0.09 3 nowcast #> --- #> 586: 2020-03-22 1.4251245 6 166.20 1 nowcast #> 587: 2020-03-22 1.4328383 7 166.20 1 nowcast #> 588: 2020-03-22 1.4339116 8 166.20 1 nowcast #> 589: 2020-03-22 1.4488785 9 166.20 1 nowcast #> 590: 2020-03-22 1.4631037 10 166.20 1 nowcast
if (FALSE) { ## Nowcast Rts, forecast Rts and the forecast cases estimates <- estimate_R0(cases = EpiSoon::example_obs_cases, generation_times = as.matrix(EpiNow::covid_generation_times[,1]), rt_prior = list(mean_prior = 2.6, std_prior = 2), windows = c(1, 3, 7), rt_samples = 10, gt_samples = 20, min_est_date = as.Date("2020-02-18"), forecast_model = function(...){ EpiSoon::fable_model(model = fable::ETS(y ~ trend("A")), ...) }, horizon = 14) ## Rt estimates and forecasts estimates$rts ## Case forecasts estimates$cases }