Combine fitting a delay distribution, constructing a set of complete sampled linelists, nowcast cases by onset date, and estimate the time-varying effective reproduction number and rate of spread.

  cases = NULL,
  linelist = NULL,
  delay_defs = NULL,
  incubation_defs = NULL,
  delay_cutoff_date = NULL,
  rt_samples = 5,
  rt_windows = 1:7,
  rate_window = 7,
  earliest_allowed_onset = NULL,
  merge_actual_onsets = TRUE,
  approx_delay = FALSE,
  approx_threshold = 10000,
  max_delay = 120,
  generation_times = NULL,
  rt_prior = NULL,
  nowcast_lag = 8,
  forecast_model = NULL,
  horizon = 0,
  report_forecast = FALSE,
  onset_modifier = NULL,
  min_forecast_cases = 200,
  target_folder = NULL,
  target_date = NULL,
  max_upscale = 5,
  dt_threads = 1,
  verbose = FALSE



A dataframe of cases (in date order) with the following variables: date and cases.


A dataframe of of cases (by row) containing the following variables: import_status (values "local" and "imported"), date_onset, date_confirm, report_delay.


A data.table that defines the delay distributions (model, parameters and maximum delay for each model). See get_delay_dist for an example of the structure.


A data.table that defines the incubation distributions (model, parameters and maximum delay for each model). See get_delay_dist for an example of the structure.


Character string, in the form "2020-01-01". Cutoff date to use to estimate the delay distribution.


Numeric, the number of samples to take from the estimated R distribution for each time point.


Numeric vector, windows over which to estimate time-varying R. The best performing window will be selected per serial interval sample by default (based on which window best forecasts current cases).


Numeric, the window to use to estimate the rate of spread.


A character string in the form of a date ("2020-01-01") indiciating the earliest allowed onset.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should linelist onset dates be used where available?


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should delay sampling be approximated using case counts. Not appropriate when case numbers are low. Useful for high cases counts as decouples run time and resource usage from case count.


Numeric, defaults to 10,000. Threshold of cases below which explicit sampling of onsets always occurs.


Numeric, maximum delay to allow. Defaults to 120 days


A matrix with columns representing samples and rows representing the probability of the serial intervel being on that day. Defaults to EpiNow::covid_generation_times.


A list defining the reproduction number prior containing the mean (mean_prior) and standard deviation (std_prior)


Numeric, defaults to 4. The number of days by which to lag nowcasts. Helps reduce bias due to case upscaling.


An uninitialised bsts model passed to EpiSoon::forecast_rt to be used for forecasting future Rt values. An example of the required structure is: function(ss, y){bsts::AddSemilocalLinearTrend(ss, y = y)}.


Numeric, defaults to 0. The horizon over which to forecast Rts and cases.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should the forecast be reported.


data.frame containing a date variable and a function modifier variable. This is used to modify estimated cases by onset date. modifier must be a function that returns a proportion when called (enables inclusion of uncertainty) and takes the following arguments: n (samples to return) and status ("local" or "import").


Numeric, defaults to 200. The minimum number of cases required in the last 7 days of data in order for a forecast to be run. This prevents spurious forecasts based on highly uncertain Rt estimates.


Character string indicating the folder into which to save results. Also used to extract previously generated results.


Character string, in the form "2020-01-01". Date to cast.


Numeric, maximum upscaling of cases allowed at each time point. Defaults to 100 times the observed cases.


Numeric, the number of data.table threads to use. Set internally to avoid issue when running in parallel. Defaults to 1 thread.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should internal nowcasting progress messages be returned.
