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Countries with subnational data

This map shows what countries have level 1 and level 2 subregion data directly from an official source within that country. Please note other countries may be provided through our interface to external data sources, such as WHO() and JHU().


Dataset status is shown in the table below. Please see our hosted page for up to date information for the CRAN status of data sets. Please note that due to our release schedule datasets may remain non-functional if broken using the CRAN version for some time even if fixed on GitHub. Also note that transient issues may affect our testing of datasets and so our checks may occasionally show a spurious failure.

Origin Method GitHub status
Belgium Belgium Belgium
Brazil Brazil Brazil
Canada Canada Canada
Colombia Colombia Colombia
Covid-19 Data Hub Covid19DataHub Covid19DataHub
Cuba Cuba Cuba
Estonia Estonia Estonia
European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) ECDC ECDC
European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) JRC JRC
France France France
Germany Germany Germany
Google Google Google
India India India
Italy Italy Italy
John Hopkins University (JHU) JHU JHU
Lithuania Lithuania Lithuania
Mexico Mexico Mexico
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands
South Africa SouthAfrica SouthAfrica
Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
United Kingdom (UK) UK UK
United States of America (USA) USA USA
World Health Organisation (WHO) WHO WHO