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Returns data on what countries are available from the data provided with this package either using a cached dataset or built by searching the target namespace.


get_available_datasets(type, render = FALSE, namespace = "covidregionaldata")



A character vector indicating the types of data to return. Current options include "national" (which are datasets at the national level which inherit from CountryDataClass) and "regional" (which are datasets at the regional level which inherit directly from DataClass()).


Logical If TRUE the supported data set table is built from the available classes using summary methods. If FALSE the supported data set table is taken from package data. Defaults to FALSE.


Character string The name of the namespace to search for class objects. Defaults to "covidregionaldata" as the package.


A list of available data sets and the spatial aggregation data is available for.


# see all available datasets
#> # A tibble: 23 × 10
#>    origin     class level_1_region level_2_region level_3_region type  data_urls
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>          <chr>          <chr>          <chr> <chr>    
#>  1 Belgium    Belg… region         province       NA             regi… https://…
#>  2 Brazil     Braz… state          city           NA             regi… https://…
#>  3 Canada     Cana… province       NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  4 Colombia   Colo… departamento   municipio      NA             regi… https://…
#>  5 Covid-19 … Covi… country        region         subregion      nati… https://…
#>  6 Cuba       Cuba  provincia      NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  7 European … ECDC  country        NA             NA             nati… https://…
#>  8 Estonia    Esto… county         NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  9 France     Fran… region         department     NA             regi… https://…
#> 10 Germany    Germ… bundesland     landkreis      NA             regi… https://…
#> # … with 13 more rows, and 3 more variables: source_data_cols <chr>,
#> #   source_text <chr>, source_url <chr>

# see only national level datasets
#> # A tibble: 6 × 10
#>   origin      class level_1_region level_2_region level_3_region type  data_urls
#>   <chr>       <chr> <chr>          <chr>          <chr>          <chr> <chr>    
#> 1 Covid-19 D… Covi… country        region         subregion      nati… https://…
#> 2 European C… ECDC  country        NA             NA             nati… https://…
#> 3 Google      Goog… country        subregion      subregion2     nati… https://…
#> 4 John Hopki… JHU   country        region         NA             nati… https://…
#> 5 European C… JRC   country        region         NA             nati… https://…
#> 6 World Heal… WHO   country        NA             NA             nati… https://…
#> # … with 3 more variables: source_data_cols <chr>, source_text <chr>,
#> #   source_url <chr>

# see only regional level datasets
#> # A tibble: 17 × 10
#>    origin     class level_1_region level_2_region level_3_region type  data_urls
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>          <chr>          <chr>          <chr> <chr>    
#>  1 Belgium    Belg… region         province       NA             regi… https://…
#>  2 Brazil     Braz… state          city           NA             regi… https://…
#>  3 Canada     Cana… province       NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  4 Colombia   Colo… departamento   municipio      NA             regi… https://…
#>  5 Cuba       Cuba  provincia      NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  6 Estonia    Esto… county         NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  7 France     Fran… region         department     NA             regi… https://…
#>  8 Germany    Germ… bundesland     landkreis      NA             regi… https://…
#>  9 India      India state          NA             NA             regi… https://…
#> 10 Italy      Italy regioni        NA             NA             regi… https://…
#> 11 Lithuania  Lith… county         municipality   NA             regi… https://…
#> 12 Mexico     Mexi… estado         municipio      NA             regi… Download…
#> 13 Netherlan… Neth… province       municipality   NA             regi… https://…
#> 14 South Afr… Sout… province       NA             NA             regi… https://…
#> 15 Switzerla… Swit… canton         NA             NA             regi… https://…
#> 16 United Ki… UK    region         authority      NA             regi… https://…
#> 17 United St… USA   state          county         NA             regi… https://…
#> # … with 3 more variables: source_data_cols <chr>, source_text <chr>,
#> #   source_url <chr>

# render the data
get_available_datasets(render = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 23 × 10
#>    origin     class level_1_region level_2_region level_3_region type  data_urls
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>          <chr>          <chr>          <chr> <chr>    
#>  1 Belgium    Belg… region         province       NA             regi… https://…
#>  2 Brazil     Braz… state          city           NA             regi… https://…
#>  3 Canada     Cana… province       NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  4 Colombia   Colo… departamento   municipio      NA             regi… https://…
#>  5 Covid-19 … Covi… country        region         subregion      nati… https://…
#>  6 Cuba       Cuba  provincia      NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  7 European … ECDC  country        NA             NA             nati… https://…
#>  8 Estonia    Esto… county         NA             NA             regi… https://…
#>  9 France     Fran… region         department     NA             regi… https://…
#> 10 Germany    Germ… bundesland     landkreis      NA             regi… https://…
#> # … with 13 more rows, and 3 more variables: source_data_cols <chr>,
#> #   source_text <chr>, source_url <chr>