National and Subnational estimates for Viet Nam

Subnational estimates Asia Viet Nam

Identifying changes in the reproduction number, rate of spread, and doubling time during the course of the COVID-19 outbreak whilst accounting for potential biases due to delays in case reporting both nationally and subnationally in Viet Nam These results are impacted by changes in testing effort, increases and decreases in testing effort will increase and decrease reproduction number estimates respectively.

Using data available up to the: 2021-12-03

Subnational and national estimates are available to download here.

See our see Methods or our paper for an explanation of how these estimates are derived.

National summary

Summary (estimates as of the 2021-12-03)

Table 1: Latest estimates (as of the 2021-12-03) of the number of confirmed cases by date of infection, the expected change in daily confirmed cases, the effective reproduction number, the growth rate, and the doubling time (when negative this corresponds to the halving time). The median and 90% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.
New confirmed cases by infection date 15022 (11037 – 20555)
Expected change in daily cases Likely decreasing
Effective reproduction no. 0.97 (0.87 – 1.1)
Rate of growth -0.0082 (-0.037 – 0.021)
Doubling/halving time (days) -84 (33 – -19)

Confirmed cases, their estimated date of report, date of infection, and time-varying reproduction number estimates

Figure 1: A.) Confirmed cases by date of report (bars) and their estimated date of report. B.) Confirmed cases by date of report (bars) and their estimated date of infection. C.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number (lightest ribbon = 90% credible interval; darker ribbon = the 50% credible interval, darkest ribbon = 20% credible interval). Estimates from existing data are shown up to the 2021-12-03 from when forecasts are shown. These should be considered indicative only. Estimates based on partial data have been adjusted for right truncation of infections. The vertical dashed line indicates the date of report generation. Uncertainty has been curtailed to a maximum of ten times the maximum number of reported cases for plotting purposes.

Subnational breakdown

Figure 2: The results of the latest reproduction number estimates (based on confirmed cases in Vietnam, stratified by Region, can be summarised by whether confirmed cases are likely increasing or decreasing. This represents the strength of the evidence that the reproduction number in each region is greater than or less than 1, respectively (see the methods for details).

Table 2: Latest estimates (as of the 2021-12-03) of the number of confirmed cases by date of infection, the effective reproduction number, the rate of growth, and the doubling time (when negative this corresponds to the halving time) in each region. The median and 90% credible interval is shown.

Data availability


Abbott, Sam, Katharine Sherratt, Jonnie Bevan, Hamish Gibbs, Joel Hellewell, James Munday, Patrick Barks, Paul Campbell, Flavio Finger, and Sebastian Funk. 2020. “Covidregionaldata: Subnational Data for the Covid-19 Outbreak.” - - (-): –.
Xu, Bo, Bernardo Gutierrez, Sarah Hill, Samuel Scarpino, Alyssa Loskill, Jessie Wu, Kara Sewalk, et al. n.d. “Epidemiological Data from the nCoV-2019 Outbreak: Early Descriptions from Publicly Available Data.”



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