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This Vignette provides a small collection of functions that have been deprecated in scoringutils. These functions are no longer, but may still prove useful or illustrative.


scoringutils requires that both forecasts and observations are provided in a single data frame. If you have forecasts and observations in two different data frames, merge_pred_and_obs() may help you to merge the two. The function is mostly a wrapper around merge(), but does some additional work to deal with duplicated column names.

#' @title Merge forecast data and observations
#' @description
#' The function more or less provides a wrapper around `merge` that
#' aims to handle the merging well if additional columns are present
#' in one or both data sets. If in doubt, you should probably merge the
#' data sets manually.
#' @param forecasts A data.frame with the forecast data (as can be passed to
#'   [score()]).
#' @param observations A data.frame with the observations.
#' @param join Character, one of `c("left", "full", "right")`. Determines the
#'   type of the join. Usually, a left join is appropriate, but sometimes you
#'   may want to do a full join to keep dates for which there is a forecast, but
#'   no ground truth data.
#' @param by Character vector that denotes the columns by which to merge. Any
#'   value that is not a column in observations will be removed.
#' @return a data.table with forecasts and observations
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_subset
#' @importFrom data.table
#' @keywords data-handling
#' @export

merge_pred_and_obs <- function(forecasts, observations,
                               join = c("left", "full", "right"),
                               by = NULL) {
  forecasts <-
  observations <-
  join <- match.arg(join)
  assert_subset(by, intersect(names(forecasts), names(observations)))

  if (is.null(by)) {
    protected_columns <- c(
      "predicted", "observed", "sample_id", "quantile_level",
      "interval_range", "boundary"
    by <- setdiff(colnames(forecasts), protected_columns)

  obs_cols <- colnames(observations)
  by <- intersect(by, obs_cols)

  join <- match.arg(join)

  if (join == "left") {
    # do a left_join, where all data in the observations are kept.
    combined <- merge(observations, forecasts, by = by, all.x = TRUE)
  } else if (join == "full") {
    # do a full, where all data is kept.
    combined <- merge(observations, forecasts, by = by, all = TRUE)
  } else {
    combined <- merge(observations, forecasts, by = by, all.y = TRUE)

  # get colnames that are the same for x and y
  colnames <- colnames(combined)
  colnames_x <- colnames[endsWith(colnames, ".x")]
  colnames_y <- colnames[endsWith(colnames, ".y")]

  # extract basenames
  basenames_x <- sub(".x$", "", colnames_x)
  basenames_y <- sub(".y$", "", colnames_y)

  # see whether the column name as well as the content is the same
  content_x <- as.list(combined[, ..colnames_x])
  content_y <- as.list(combined[, ..colnames_y])
  overlapping <- (content_x %in% content_y) & (basenames_x == basenames_y)
  overlap_names <- colnames_x[overlapping]
  basenames_overlap <- sub(".x$", "", overlap_names)

  # delete overlapping columns
  if (length(basenames_overlap) > 0) {
    combined[, paste0(basenames_overlap, ".x") := NULL]
    combined[, paste0(basenames_overlap, ".y") := NULL]
