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Nominal forecasts are a form of categorical forecasts where the possible outcomes that the observed values can assume are not ordered. In that sense, Nominal forecasts represent a generalisation of binary forecasts.


  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL,
  predicted_label = NULL



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".


(optional) Name of the column in data that denotes the outcome to which a predicted probability corresponds to. This column will be renamed to "predicted_label". Only applicable to nominal forecasts.

See also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast, as_forecast_binary(), as_forecast_point(), as_forecast_quantile(), as_forecast_sample()