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Summarise scores as produced by score().

summarise_scores relies on a way to identify the names of the scores and distinguish them from columns that denote the unit of a single forecast. Internally, this is done via a stored attribute, metrics that stores the names of the scores. This means, however, that you need to be careful with renaming scores after they have been produced by score(). If you do, you also have to manually update the attribute by calling attr(scores, "metrics") <- new_names.


summarise_scores(scores, by = "model", fun = mean, ...)

summarize_scores(scores, by = "model", fun = mean, ...)



An object of class scores (a data.table with scores and an additional attribute metrics as produced by score()).


Character vector with column names to summarise scores by. Default is "model", i.e. scores are summarised by the "model" column.


A function used for summarising scores. Default is mean().


Additional parameters that can be passed to the summary function provided to fun. For more information see the documentation of the respective function.


A data.table with summarised scores. Scores are summarised according to the names of the columns of the original data specified in by using the fun passed to summarise_scores().


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
scores <- example_sample_continuous %>%
 as_forecast_sample() %>%
#>  Some rows containing NA values may be removed. This is fine if not
#>   unexpected.

# get scores by model
summarise_scores(scores, by = "model")
#>                    model         bias      dss        crps overprediction
#>                   <char>        <num>    <num>       <num>          <num>
#> 1: EuroCOVIDhub-ensemble  0.009765625 16.40496  9876.95886     5281.81845
#> 2: EuroCOVIDhub-baseline  0.177734375      NaN 15309.68627     6701.83844
#> 3:  epiforecasts-EpiNow2 -0.024898785 26.10137 11901.43354     6986.16572
#> 4:       UMass-MechBayes -0.026953125 10.08582    60.19018       11.20505
#>    underprediction dispersion log_score        mad   ae_median      se_mean
#>              <num>      <num>     <num>      <num>       <num>        <num>
#> 1:      2433.20525 2161.93515 10.747811  8763.6176 12406.03100 2.103026e+09
#> 2:      5864.53649 2743.31134       Inf  9680.3792 18932.50196 2.885063e+09
#> 3:      1740.93388 3174.33393       Inf 12999.5404 14680.12285 3.152268e+09
#> 4:        19.28195   29.70318  5.941622   123.6211    79.66001 1.371418e+04

# get scores by model and target type
summarise_scores(scores, by = c("model", "target_type"))
#>                    model target_type        bias      dss        crps
#>                   <char>      <char>       <num>    <num>       <num>
#> 1: EuroCOVIDhub-ensemble       Cases -0.04648437 22.89997 19703.05522
#> 2: EuroCOVIDhub-baseline       Cases  0.03671875      NaN 30453.58346
#> 3:  epiforecasts-EpiNow2       Cases -0.03867188 40.87716 22896.51608
#> 4: EuroCOVIDhub-ensemble      Deaths  0.06601562  9.90995    50.86249
#> 5: EuroCOVIDhub-baseline      Deaths  0.31875000 12.99360   165.78907
#> 6:       UMass-MechBayes      Deaths -0.02695313 10.08582    60.19018
#> 7:  epiforecasts-EpiNow2      Deaths -0.01008403 10.20807    74.79013
#>    overprediction underprediction dispersion log_score        mad   ae_median
#>             <num>           <num>      <num>     <num>      <num>       <num>
#> 1:    10552.97603     4861.015121 4289.06407 15.633420 17385.2629 24749.39707
#> 2:    13346.03509    11727.330575 5380.21780       Inf 18982.2128 37648.01693
#> 3:    13462.90822     3346.583024 6087.02483       Inf 24929.3438 28233.04536
#> 4:       10.66088        5.395380   34.80623  5.862203   141.9723    62.66492
#> 5:       57.64179        1.742401  106.40489  6.977391   378.5457   216.98699
#> 6:       11.20505       19.281946   29.70318  5.941622   123.6211    79.66001
#> 7:       19.58555       13.849095   41.35549  6.024092   167.4829   102.18939
#>         se_mean
#>           <num>
#> 1: 4.206042e+09
#> 2: 5.769964e+09
#> 3: 6.082863e+09
#> 4: 1.080233e+04
#> 5: 1.622417e+05
#> 6: 1.371418e+04
#> 7: 3.243111e+04

# get standard deviation
summarise_scores(scores, by = "model", fun = sd)
#>                    model      bias        dss        crps overprediction
#>                   <char>     <num>      <num>       <num>          <num>
#> 1: EuroCOVIDhub-ensemble 0.5468290  14.869520 39368.24836    37275.23950
#> 2: EuroCOVIDhub-baseline 0.5457971         NA 45020.82814    39070.74445
#> 3:  epiforecasts-EpiNow2 0.6083410 108.130107 44957.07746    40776.81690
#> 4:       UMass-MechBayes 0.6221914   2.248998    49.62465       21.34675
#>    underprediction dispersion log_score        mad   ae_median      se_mean
#>              <num>      <num>     <num>      <num>       <num>        <num>
#> 1:      8634.87723 5163.42293 21.510119 19799.1620 42801.64123 1.564286e+10
#> 2:     20537.03929 3664.87255       NaN 13610.4174 49458.36446 1.760651e+10
#> 3:      8096.39644 7266.11787       NaN 29616.1714 51129.54601 2.209086e+10
#> 4:        36.98584   29.60927  1.126019   123.3465    76.09471 2.994664e+04

# round digits
summarise_scores(scores, by = "model") %>%
  summarise_scores(fun = signif, digits = 2)
#>                    model    bias   dss  crps overprediction underprediction
#>                   <char>   <num> <num> <num>          <num>           <num>
#> 1: EuroCOVIDhub-ensemble  0.0098    16  9900           5300            2400
#> 2: EuroCOVIDhub-baseline  0.1800   NaN 15000           6700            5900
#> 3:  epiforecasts-EpiNow2 -0.0250    26 12000           7000            1700
#> 4:       UMass-MechBayes -0.0270    10    60             11              19
#>    dispersion log_score   mad ae_median se_mean
#>         <num>     <num> <num>     <num>   <num>
#> 1:       2200      11.0  8800     12000 2.1e+09
#> 2:       2700       Inf  9700     19000 2.9e+09
#> 3:       3200       Inf 13000     15000 3.2e+09
#> 4:         30       5.9   120        80 1.4e+04