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[Maturing] Estimate a log normal delay distribution from a vector of integer delays. Currently this function is a simple wrapper for bootstrapped_dist_fit().


estimate_delay(delays, ...)



Integer vector of delays


Arguments to pass to internal methods.


A <dist_spec> summarising the bootstrapped distribution


# \donttest{
delays <- rlnorm(500, log(5), 1)
estimate_delay(delays, samples = 1000, bootstraps = 10)
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> Warning: `samples` must be at least 1000. Now setting it to 1000 internally.
#> - lognormal distribution (max: 98):
#>   meanlog:
#>     - normal distribution:
#>       mean:
#>         1.4
#>       sd:
#>         0.1
#>   sdlog:
#>     - normal distribution:
#>       mean:
#>         1.1
#>       sd:
#>         0.083
# }