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Estimation + Reporting

Functions that faciliate end-to-end analysis including imputing cases by infection, estimating Rt and reporting results.

epinow() stable
Real-time Rt Estimation, Forecasting and Reporting
Load and compile an EpiNow2 cmdstanr model
plot(<epinow>) maturing
Plot method for epinow
regional_epinow() maturing
Real-time Rt Estimation, Forecasting and Reporting by Region
summary(<epinow>) stable
Summary output from epinow

Estimate, Simulate, and Forecast Parameters

Function to estimate, simulate and forecast parameters of interest.

estimate_infections() maturing
Estimate Infections, the Time-Varying Reproduction Number and the Rate of Growth
forecast_infections() stable
Forecast infections from a given fit and trajectory of the time-varying reproduction number
estimate_secondary() stable
Estimate a Secondary Observation from a Primary Observation
forecast_secondary() experimental
Forecast Secondary Observations Given a Fit from estimate_secondary
estimate_delay() maturing
Estimate a Delay Distribution
estimate_truncation() stable
Estimate Truncation of Observed Data

Specify an Argument

Functions used by estimate_infections

backcalc_opts() stable
Back Calculation Options
delay_opts() stable
Delay Distribution Options
filter_opts() maturing
Filter Options for a Target Region
forecast_opts() stable
Forecast options
gt_opts() generation_time_opts() stable
Generation Time Distribution Options
gp_opts() stable
Approximate Gaussian Process Settings
obs_opts() stable
Observation Model Options
rstan_opts() deprecated
Rstan Options
rstan_sampling_opts() deprecated
Rstan Sampling Options
rstan_vb_opts() deprecated
Rstan Variational Bayes Options
rt_opts() stable
Time-Varying Reproduction Number Options
secondary_opts() stable
Secondary Reports Options
stan_laplace_opts() experimental
Stan Laplace algorithm Options
stan_opts() stable
Stan Options
stan_pathfinder_opts() experimental
Stan pathfinder algorithm Options
stan_sampling_opts() stable
Stan Sampling Options
stan_vb_opts() stable
Stan Variational Bayes Options
trunc_opts() stable
Truncation Distribution Options
opts_list() maturing
Forecast optiong

Preprocess data

Functions used for prepropcessing data

fill_missing() experimental
Fill missing data in a data set to prepare it for use within the package
Add breakpoints to certain dates in a data set.
Filter leading zeros from a data set.
Convert zero case counts to NA (missing) if the 7-day average is above a threshold.

Summarise Across Regions

Functions used for summarising across regions (designed for use with regional_epinow)

regional_summary() maturing
Regional Summary Output
regional_runtimes() maturing
Summarise Regional Runtimes
get_regional_results() stable
Get Combined Regional Results

Summarise results

Functions for summarising results

summary(<epinow>) stable
Summary output from epinow
summary(<estimate_infections>) stable
Summary output from estimate_infections
backcalc_opts() stable
Back Calculation Options
calc_CrI() stable
Calculate Credible Interval
calc_CrIs() stable
Calculate Credible Intervals
calc_summary_measures() stable
Calculate All Summary Measures
calc_summary_stats() stable
Calculate Summary Statistics
make_conf() stable
Format Credible Intervals
map_prob_change() stable
Categorise the Probability of Change for Rt

Plot Results

Plot generated results

plot(<dist_spec>) experimental
Plot PMF and CDF for a dist_spec object
plot(<epinow>) maturing
Plot method for epinow
plot(<estimate_infections>) maturing
Plot method for estimate_infections
plot(<estimate_secondary>) experimental
Plot method for estimate_secondary
plot(<estimate_truncation>) experimental
Plot method for estimate_truncation
plot_CrIs() stable
Plot EpiNow2 Credible Intervals
plot_estimates() questioning
Plot Estimates
plot_summary() questioning
Plot a Summary of the Latest Results
report_plots() questioning
Report plots

Report results

Functions to report results

report_plots() questioning
Report plots
report_summary() questioning
Provide Summary Statistics for Estimated Infections and Rt

Define and Parameterise Distributions

Functions to define and parameterise distributions

LogNormal() Gamma() Normal() Fixed() NonParametric()
Probability distributions
c(<dist_spec>) experimental
Combines multiple delay distributions for further processing
collapse(<dist_spec>) experimental
Collapse nonparametric distributions in a <dist_spec>
discretise(<dist_spec>) discretize() experimental
Discretise a <dist_spec>
`==`(<dist_spec>) `!=`(<dist_spec>)
Compares two delay distributions
fix_parameters(<dist_spec>) experimental
Fix the parameters of a <dist_spec>
is_constrained(<dist_spec>) experimental
Check if a <dist_spec> is constrained, i.e. has a finite maximum or nonzero CDF cutoff.
max(<dist_spec>) experimental
Returns the maximum of one or more delay distribution
mean(<dist_spec>) experimental
Returns the mean of one or more delay distribution
new_dist_spec() experimental
Internal function for generating a dist_spec given parameters and a distribution.
plot(<dist_spec>) experimental
Plot PMF and CDF for a dist_spec object
`+`(<dist_spec>) experimental
Creates a delay distribution as the sum of two other delay distributions.
print(<dist_spec>) experimental
Prints the parameters of one or more delay distributions
bound_dist() experimental
Define bounds of a <dist_spec>
get_parameters() experimental
Get parameters of a parametric distribution
get_pmf() experimental
Get the probability mass function of a nonparametric distribution
get_distribution() experimental
Get the distribution of a <dist_spec>

Fit delay Distributions

Functions to fit delay distributions

bootstrapped_dist_fit() stable
Fit a Subsampled Bootstrap to Integer Values and Summarise Distribution Parameters
dist_fit() stable
Fit an Integer Adjusted Exponential, Gamma or Lognormal distributions


Functions to help with simulating data or mapping to reported cases

Simulate infections using the renewal equation
Simulate secondary observations from primary observations
Convolve and scale a time series


Package datasets that may be used to parameterise other functions or in examples

example_generation_time stable
Example generation time
example_incubation_period stable
Example incubation period
example_reporting_delay stable
Example reporting delay
example_confirmed stable
Example Confirmed Case Data Set
example_truncated stable
Example Case Data Set with Truncation
generation_times deprecated
Literature Estimates of Generation Times
incubation_periods deprecated
Literature Estimates of Incubation Periods

Get/Extract Data

Functions for extracting data from objects or getting data from sources

get_distribution() experimental
Get the distribution of a <dist_spec>
get_parameters() experimental
Get parameters of a parametric distribution
get_pmf() experimental
Get the probability mass function of a nonparametric distribution
get_regional_results() stable
Get Combined Regional Results
extract_CrIs() stable
Extract Credible Intervals Present
extract_inits() experimental
Generate initial conditions from a Stan fit
Extract all samples from a stan fit
extract_stan_param() stable
Extract a Parameter Summary from a Stan Object

Clean Data

Functions for cleaning data

clean_nowcasts() stable
Clean Nowcasts for a Supplied Date
clean_regions() stable
Clean Regions

Setup Utilities

Function used for setting up functionality

setup_default_logging() questioning
Setup Default Logging
setup_future() stable
Set up Future Backend
setup_logging() questioning
Setup Logging


Utility functions

run_region() maturing
Run epinow with Regional Processing Code
expose_stan_fns() stable
Expose internal package stan functions in R
convert_to_logmean() stable
Convert mean and sd to log mean for a log normal distribution
convert_to_logsd() stable
Convert mean and sd to log standard deviation for a log normal distribution
growth_to_R() questioning
Convert Growth Rates to Reproduction numbers.
R_to_growth() questioning
Convert Reproduction Numbers to Growth Rates
update_secondary_args() stable
Update estimate_secondary default priors