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[Maturing] Used to produce summary output either internally in regional_epinow or externally.


  regional_output = NULL,
  results_dir = NULL,
  summary_dir = NULL,
  target_date = NULL,
  region_scale = "Region",
  all_regions = TRUE,
  return_output = is.null(summary_dir),
  plot = TRUE,
  max_plot = 10,



A list of output as produced by regional_epinow() and stored in the regional list.


A <data.frame> of confirmed cases (confirm) by date (date), and region (region).


An optional character string indicating the location of the results directory to extract results from.


A character string giving the directory in which to store summary of results.


A character string giving the target date for which to extract results (in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"). Defaults to latest available estimates.


A character string indicating the name to give the regions being summarised.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should summary plots for all regions be returned rather than just regions of interest.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should output be returned, this automatically updates to TRUE if no directory for saving is specified.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should regional summary plots be produced.


Numeric, defaults to 10. A multiplicative upper bound on the\ number of cases shown on the plot. Based on the maximum number of reported cases.


Additional arguments passed to report_plots.


A list of summary measures and plots

See also



# get example output from regional_epinow model
regional_out <- readRDS(system.file(
    package = "EpiNow2", "extdata", "example_regional_epinow.rds"

  regional_output = regional_out$regional,
  data = regional_out$summary$reported_cases
#> INFO [2024-10-18 16:51:24] No summary directory specified so returning summary output
#> $latest_date
#> [1] "2020-04-21"
#> $results
#> $results$estimates
#> $results$estimates$summarised
#> Indices: <variable>, <region>
#>        region       date                 variable  strat     type       median
#>        <char>     <Date>                   <char> <char>   <char>        <num>
#>   1: testland 2020-02-22                        R   <NA> estimate    2.2278552
#>   2: testland 2020-02-23                        R   <NA> estimate    2.1956881
#>   3: testland 2020-02-24                        R   <NA> estimate    2.1658534
#>   4: testland 2020-02-25                        R   <NA> estimate    2.1167783
#>   5: testland 2020-02-26                        R   <NA> estimate    2.0750111
#>  ---                                                                          
#> 718: realland 2020-04-25           reported_cases   <NA> forecast 2392.0000000
#> 719: realland 2020-04-26           reported_cases   <NA> forecast 2657.0000000
#> 720: realland 2020-04-27           reported_cases   <NA> forecast 2412.5000000
#> 721: realland 2020-04-28           reported_cases   <NA> forecast 2025.5000000
#> 722: realland       <NA> reporting_overdispersion   <NA>     <NA>    0.2082416
#>              mean           sd     lower_90     lower_50     lower_20
#>             <num>        <num>        <num>        <num>        <num>
#>   1:    2.2339314 1.520613e-01    1.9943896    2.1464357    2.1888984
#>   2:    2.2011751 1.357974e-01    1.9860490    2.1151418    2.1641639
#>   3:    2.1650775 1.237701e-01    1.9774416    2.0817767    2.1299238
#>   4:    2.1259816 1.150807e-01    1.9554507    2.0493088    2.0959586
#>   5:    2.0843620 1.089560e-01    1.9123583    2.0157564    2.0533034
#>  ---                                                                 
#> 718: 2538.4700000 9.170918e+02 1380.5500000 1883.0000000 2192.8000000
#> 719: 2805.4900000 1.027315e+03 1467.6500000 2063.5000000 2367.0000000
#> 720: 2584.9950000 1.005459e+03 1390.7000000 1817.7500000 2199.0000000
#> 721: 2267.9850000 1.045847e+03 1066.6000000 1551.0000000 1815.6000000
#> 722:    0.2087912 2.905009e-02    0.1668448    0.1873106    0.1996848
#>          upper_20    upper_50     upper_90
#>             <num>       <num>        <num>
#>   1:    2.2601529    2.337053    2.4724029
#>   2:    2.2281404    2.285346    2.4141443
#>   3:    2.1870962    2.248191    2.3675851
#>   4:    2.1441887    2.201463    2.3298029
#>   5:    2.1097129    2.146446    2.2739541
#>  ---                                      
#> 718: 2579.2000000 2956.250000 4287.1500000
#> 719: 2963.6000000 3368.250000 4727.5500000
#> 720: 2598.4000000 3079.500000 4566.6000000
#> 721: 2299.2000000 2681.500000 4154.3500000
#> 722:    0.2134048    0.225157    0.2606142
#> $summarised_results
#> $summarised_results$table
#>      Region New infections per day Expected change in daily reports
#>      <char>                 <char>                           <fctr>
#> 1: realland    2256 (1316 -- 4280)                Likely decreasing
#> 2: testland    2265 (1009 -- 4859)                Likely decreasing
#>    Effective reproduction no.          Rate of growth
#>                        <char>                  <char>
#> 1:         0.89 (0.68 -- 1.2) -0.026 (-0.08 -- 0.032)
#> 2:         0.86 (0.56 -- 1.2)  -0.03 (-0.12 -- 0.044)
#>    Doubling/halving time (days)
#>                          <char>
#> 1:             -27 (22 -- -8.6)
#> 2:               -23 (16 -- -6)
#> $summarised_results$data
#>      region            estimate  median    mean      sd lower_90 lower_50
#>      <fctr>              <char>   <num>   <num>   <num>    <num>    <num>
#> 1: testland 2265 (1009 -- 4859) 2265.00 2533.00 1474.00  1009.00  1693.00
#> 2: realland 2256 (1316 -- 4280) 2256.00 2445.00  900.00  1316.00  1795.00
#> 3: realland  0.89 (0.68 -- 1.2)    0.89    0.89    0.15     0.68     0.78
#> 4: testland  0.86 (0.56 -- 1.2)    0.86    0.89    0.22     0.56     0.75
#>    lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90                     metric
#>       <num>    <num>    <num>    <num>                     <fctr>
#> 1:  2038.00  2527.00  2999.00   4859.0     New infections per day
#> 2:  2074.00  2474.00  3010.00   4280.0     New infections per day
#> 3:     0.84     0.93     0.99      1.2 Effective reproduction no.
#> 4:     0.83     0.93     0.99      1.2 Effective reproduction no.
#>    Expected change in daily reports prob_control
#>                              <fctr>       <list>
#> 1:                Likely decreasing         0.76
#> 2:                Likely decreasing         0.78
#> 3:                Likely decreasing         0.78
#> 4:                Likely decreasing         0.76
#> $summarised_results$regions_by_inc
#> [1] "testland" "realland"
#> $summary_plot

#> $summarised_measures
#> $summarised_measures$rt
#>        region       date  strat     type    median      mean         sd
#>        <char>     <Date> <char>   <char>     <num>     <num>      <num>
#>   1: realland 2020-02-22   <NA> estimate 2.2213878 2.2347746 0.14365298
#>   2: realland 2020-02-23   <NA> estimate 2.1951619 2.2005588 0.12502097
#>   3: realland 2020-02-24   <NA> estimate 2.1595587 2.1642923 0.11035496
#>   4: realland 2020-02-25   <NA> estimate 2.1184630 2.1261311 0.09991759
#>   5: realland 2020-02-26   <NA> estimate 2.0795528 2.0862831 0.09366188
#>  ---                                                                   
#> 130: testland 2020-04-24   <NA> forecast 0.8638174 0.8891564 0.21693035
#> 131: testland 2020-04-25   <NA> forecast 0.8638174 0.8891564 0.21693035
#> 132: testland 2020-04-26   <NA> forecast 0.8638174 0.8891564 0.21693035
#> 133: testland 2020-04-27   <NA> forecast 0.8638174 0.8891564 0.21693035
#> 134: testland 2020-04-28   <NA> forecast 0.8638174 0.8891564 0.21693035
#>       lower_90  lower_50  lower_20  upper_20  upper_50 upper_90
#>          <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>    <num>
#>   1: 2.0080394 2.1445312 2.2035322 2.2520485 2.3249809 2.471421
#>   2: 1.9973309 2.1164082 2.1756078 2.2170764 2.2774939 2.411933
#>   3: 1.9869852 2.0906040 2.1394286 2.1866339 2.2370087 2.355639
#>   4: 1.9632718 2.0626986 2.0985240 2.1487508 2.1970850 2.297410
#>   5: 1.9299430 2.0225981 2.0592937 2.1069238 2.1581354 2.239102
#>  ---                                                           
#> 130: 0.5580703 0.7549769 0.8317801 0.9277327 0.9941752 1.216937
#> 131: 0.5580703 0.7549769 0.8317801 0.9277327 0.9941752 1.216937
#> 132: 0.5580703 0.7549769 0.8317801 0.9277327 0.9941752 1.216937
#> 133: 0.5580703 0.7549769 0.8317801 0.9277327 0.9941752 1.216937
#> 134: 0.5580703 0.7549769 0.8317801 0.9277327 0.9941752 1.216937
#> $summarised_measures$growth_rate
#>        region       date  strat     type      median        mean          sd
#>        <char>     <Date> <char>   <char>       <num>       <num>       <num>
#>   1: realland 2020-02-22   <NA> estimate  0.19670713  0.19702298 0.017475793
#>   2: realland 2020-02-23   <NA> estimate  0.19230966  0.19276038 0.014831612
#>   3: realland 2020-02-24   <NA> estimate  0.18799783  0.18816206 0.012477542
#>   4: realland 2020-02-25   <NA> estimate  0.18323593  0.18324342 0.010475454
#>   5: realland 2020-02-26   <NA> estimate  0.17873129  0.17802654 0.008920428
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 130: testland 2020-04-24   <NA> forecast -0.03025107 -0.02883813 0.049137326
#> 131: testland 2020-04-25   <NA> forecast -0.03025107 -0.02883813 0.049137326
#> 132: testland 2020-04-26   <NA> forecast -0.03025107 -0.02883813 0.049137326
#> 133: testland 2020-04-27   <NA> forecast -0.03025107 -0.02883813 0.049137326
#> 134: testland 2020-04-28   <NA> forecast -0.03025107 -0.02883813 0.049137326
#>        lower_90    lower_50    lower_20    upper_20     upper_50   upper_90
#>           <num>       <num>       <num>       <num>        <num>      <num>
#>   1:  0.1694198  0.18579690  0.19230266  0.20128757  0.207962621 0.22250668
#>   2:  0.1692765  0.18344874  0.18869314  0.19592401  0.201936144 0.21559405
#>   3:  0.1684119  0.18020399  0.18525607  0.19048171  0.195396700 0.20757162
#>   4:  0.1671651  0.17672138  0.18139445  0.18545255  0.189353977 0.20004153
#>   5:  0.1632953  0.17304201  0.17649287  0.17987361  0.183476456 0.19240871
#>  ---                                                                       
#> 130: -0.1160769 -0.05673017 -0.03851555 -0.01561591 -0.001308497 0.04368505
#> 131: -0.1160769 -0.05673017 -0.03851555 -0.01561591 -0.001308497 0.04368505
#> 132: -0.1160769 -0.05673017 -0.03851555 -0.01561591 -0.001308497 0.04368505
#> 133: -0.1160769 -0.05673017 -0.03851555 -0.01561591 -0.001308497 0.04368505
#> 134: -0.1160769 -0.05673017 -0.03851555 -0.01561591 -0.001308497 0.04368505
#> $summarised_measures$cases_by_infection
#>        region       date  strat     type median   mean     sd lower_90 lower_50
#>        <char>     <Date> <char>   <char>  <num>  <num>  <num>    <num>    <num>
#>   1: realland 2020-02-22   <NA> estimate  157.9  158.1   12.1    140.1    149.9
#>   2: realland 2020-02-23   <NA> estimate  200.7  200.8   14.4    178.2    190.6
#>   3: realland 2020-02-24   <NA> estimate  256.9  256.5   17.9    227.6    243.9
#>   4: realland 2020-02-25   <NA> estimate  325.7  326.4   22.6    289.2    311.6
#>   5: realland 2020-02-26   <NA> estimate  410.6  412.5   28.4    364.3    393.4
#>  ---                                                                           
#> 130: testland 2020-04-24   <NA> forecast 2022.2 2575.0 2587.5    645.7   1388.8
#> 131: testland 2020-04-25   <NA> forecast 1942.8 2621.9 3158.8    554.9   1299.6
#> 132: testland 2020-04-26   <NA> forecast 1866.4 2689.1 3878.7    476.5   1216.3
#> 133: testland 2020-04-27   <NA> forecast 1797.2 2780.0 4788.5    408.9   1136.0
#> 134: testland 2020-04-28   <NA> forecast 1729.0 2898.9 5939.7    356.0   1060.1
#>      lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
#>         <num>    <num>    <num>    <num>
#>   1:    153.9    161.3    165.0    181.7
#>   2:    196.9    205.1    209.1    228.6
#>   3:    252.0    261.5    267.2    287.5
#>   4:    320.8    331.5    340.5    363.8
#>   5:    404.9    418.6    431.1    462.0
#>  ---                                    
#> 130:   1727.4   2425.3   3010.5   5543.2
#> 131:   1639.6   2383.3   3000.3   5805.5
#> 132:   1567.0   2319.7   3003.9   6095.3
#> 133:   1506.0   2257.6   3002.5   6400.0
#> 134:   1440.7   2197.0   3015.6   6720.4
#> $summarised_measures$cases_by_report
#>        region       date  strat     type median   mean     sd lower_90 lower_50
#>        <char>     <Date> <char>   <char>  <num>  <num>  <num>    <num>    <num>
#>   1: realland 2020-02-22   <NA> estimate   66.5   68.2   18.9     39.0     56.0
#>   2: realland 2020-02-23   <NA> estimate   77.5   80.5   21.2     52.0     65.8
#>   3: realland 2020-02-24   <NA> estimate   75.0   78.4   20.8     47.0     64.0
#>   4: realland 2020-02-25   <NA> estimate   75.0   76.4   20.0     46.0     63.0
#>   5: realland 2020-02-26   <NA> estimate   76.0   76.3   20.7     44.9     62.0
#>  ---                                                                           
#> 130: testland 2020-04-24   <NA> forecast 2908.0 3025.3 1057.0   1696.5   2242.2
#> 131: testland 2020-04-25   <NA> forecast 2364.5 2618.8 1147.3   1362.3   1859.5
#> 132: testland 2020-04-26   <NA> forecast 2583.0 2920.1 1456.9   1341.3   1947.0
#> 133: testland 2020-04-27   <NA> forecast 2418.5 2703.5 1844.6   1098.5   1681.0
#> 134: testland 2020-04-28   <NA> forecast 2029.5 2523.7 2066.1    853.9   1451.2
#>      lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
#>         <num>    <num>    <num>    <num>
#>   1:     63.0     71.0     78.0    106.0
#>   2:     72.6     83.0     94.2    118.0
#>   3:     71.0     81.0     91.0    116.0
#>   4:     71.0     79.0     89.0    109.1
#>   5:     70.6     80.0     87.0    110.1
#>  ---                                    
#> 130:   2655.2   3095.2   3564.0   4892.2
#> 131:   2176.2   2551.8   3058.2   4790.4
#> 132:   2346.4   2891.8   3506.8   5633.9
#> 133:   2070.2   2727.8   3118.0   5002.1
#> 134:   1905.4   2331.8   2786.2   4905.3
#> $reported_cases
#> Index: <region>
#>            date confirm   region
#>          <Date>   <num>   <char>
#>   1: 2020-02-22      14 testland
#>   2: 2020-02-23      62 testland
#>   3: 2020-02-24      53 testland
#>   4: 2020-02-25      97 testland
#>   5: 2020-02-26      93 testland
#>  ---                            
#> 116: 2020-04-17    3786 realland
#> 117: 2020-04-18    3493 realland
#> 118: 2020-04-19    3491 realland
#> 119: 2020-04-20    3047 realland
#> 120: 2020-04-21    2256 realland
#> $high_plots
#> $high_plots$infections

#> $high_plots$reports

#> $high_plots$R

#> $high_plots$growth_rate

#> $plots
#> $plots$infections

#> $plots$reports

#> $plots$R

#> $plots$growth_rate
