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For quantile-based forecasts, the default scoring rules are:

Note: The interval_coverage_90 scoring rule is created by modifying interval_coverage(), making use of the function purrr::partial(). This construct allows the function to deal with arbitrary arguments in ..., while making sure that only those that interval_coverage() can accept get passed on to it. interval_range = 90 is set in the function definition, as passing an argument interval_range = 90 to score() would mean it would also get passed to interval_coverage_50.


# S3 method for class 'forecast_quantile'
get_metrics(x, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.



Input format


get_metrics(example_quantile, select = "wis")
#> $wis
#> function (observed, predicted, quantile_level, separate_results = FALSE, 
#>     weigh = TRUE, count_median_twice = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) 
#> {
#>     assert_input_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level)
#>     reformatted <- quantile_to_interval(observed, predicted, 
#>         quantile_level)
#>     assert_logical(separate_results, len = 1)
#>     assert_logical(weigh, len = 1)
#>     assert_logical(count_median_twice, len = 1)
#>     assert_logical(na.rm, len = 1)
#>     if (separate_results) {
#>         cols <- c("wis", "dispersion", "underprediction", "overprediction")
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         cols <- "wis"
#>     }
#>     reformatted[, `:=`(eval(cols),, list(observed = observed, 
#>         lower = lower, upper = upper, interval_range = interval_range, 
#>         weigh = weigh, separate_results = separate_results)))]
#>     if (count_median_twice) {
#>         reformatted[, `:=`(weight, 1)]
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         reformatted[, `:=`(weight, ifelse(interval_range == 0, 
#>             0.5, 1))]
#>     }
#>     reformatted <- reformatted[, lapply(.SD, weighted.mean, na.rm = na.rm, 
#>         w = weight), by = "forecast_id", .SDcols = colnames(reformatted) %like% 
#>         paste(cols, collapse = "|")]
#>     if (separate_results) {
#>         return(list(wis = reformatted$wis, dispersion = reformatted$dispersion, 
#>             underprediction = reformatted$underprediction, overprediction = reformatted$overprediction))
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         return(reformatted$wis)
#>     }
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x563d6b5ae230>
#> <environment: namespace:scoringutils>